Originally Posted by JeffH View Post
I am in the process of completing a re-watch of the series, and it holds up well. Unlike H5O, the quality never really dropped off much at the end of the series, though it did have a shaky start during the first season when Mannix was employed by a large detective agency that relied on computers (this season was omitted from syndication, along with season 8 and a portion of season 7).

Hopefully there’s a few other fans here who will chime in with their thoughts!
Mannix didn't make it as far as Hawaii Five-O did in seasons, being canceled at the end of 8 years. Mannix was renewed for a ninth season. However, ABC got the rights to air the reruns of Mannix and CBS felt they might lose viewers who will switch over to ABC to watch the reruns instead of new episodes, so they pulled the plug. Hawaii 5-O was not losing steam in Season 8. That started to happen in Season 9. Had Mannix stayed on the air longer, we would have also seen a change in the quality of the scripts.