Decided to re-watch this episode after finding a short review I wrote of it on the newsgroup in 1996:
I'm about twice the age now as I was when I wrote that review, so here's my updated take:
First off, I agree with my 1996 self regarding everything written above. My "B to B+" rating is about what I'd give the episode after having watched it just now -- good, but not great. Indeed, it's still one of the best Season 10 episodes.
James Wainwright, who played washed up astronaut Richard Royce, was only 39 at the time of filming, yet looked around 55. The character's age was never given, but presumably was supposed to be at least over 45 (possibly older), especially given that McGarrett quipped that his girlfriend (in her late 20s) "looked young enough to be his daughter". The actress playing his girlfriend, Chirstina Hart, was 28, and looked it. In fact, she was well cast as the pretty but worn-looking Chris Harmon, who later revealed herself to have been "hustling since the age of 13".
It's never made clear why Royce fell upon such hard times after his famous moonwalk, which seemed to have placed him as a fictitious (and much more tragic) version of Neil Armstrong.
They could have done better with the ending scene, where Royce laughably overpowered those two henchmen (as noted in my '96 review). Since McGarrett and Five-O were minutes away, the scene would have been somewhat better if his execution were simply interrupted by the cops showing up.
Villain Frank Devlin (Alan Miller) spent most of his days lounging around his pool with really hot young women swimming or sunning themselves. He seemed unreasonably panicked that McGarrett "knows something" about his murder of reporter John David Knight at the beginning, simply because McGarrett approached him about it. This made no sense, as Knight had just written a scathing article in the newspaper threatening to expose Devlin and ruin his businesses in Hawaii, so he would have been the obvious #1 suspect upon Knight's death!
Bob Sevey briefly played Stan Richmond, another astronaut who was jealous of Royce "pulling rank" and becoming first to walk on the moon. This echoes real life, as Buzz Aldrin was reportedly jealous of Neil Armstrong for walking on the moon first. As a nod to Richmond representing Buzz Aldrin, he had a young son named "Buzz" present when meeting with McGarrett. The actor who played Buzz, Barron Buchwach, was around my age at the time, and still lives in Hawaii today, though he never acted before or after this brief role.
I saw that Mike didn't like how Wainwright played the Royce character, feeling he was too "laid back", but I disagree. I felt that Wainwright mostly did a good job with the pathetic has-been demeanor of the character.
Chin and Duke had almost no role, only seen briefly in the final minutes when they apprehend Devlin's two henchmen.