When the 12th season DVDs came out, this was one episode which I did not rewatch at all. Maybe I should have! Now I have rewatched it… I definitely wouldn't consider it to be "the last episode of any quality" or whatever I said way back when (like in the 90's).

I don't think Billy Swan was ever supposed to be Alika's "bodyguard." He was more like a butler, the guy who answers the door and brings Alika food and drinks. As to why he was accompanying Alika on his run down the beach, I think Alika was just lonely and wanted someone to be with him. Billy Swan wasn't supposed to be his protector. He certainly wasn't a beefy guy like William Smith who could have been a bodyguard.

Alika seems kind of like an inept mob boss, as has been suggested above. There is no way that Kamoku should have been able to get to Alika at his house by punching out all these guys, some of whom were armed.

As far as Johnny Mio is concerned, there is a suggestion near the end that Alika now considers the guy to be kind of a pain in the ass: "Mio was the one who set him [Kamoku] up, that means he'll go after Mio first … We could be missing a bet here. This, uh, union thing isn't going the way I planned anyway. It could tie up all the loose ends and, uh, let the union take the heat. You make it look like Mio put up one hell of a fight then just like that, we rid of two problems at the same time, huh?"

Considering that Mio was running for the union position before Alika was released from jail pending a new trial, did Alika have contact with Mio before this?