See, Mike, I disagree with that. I totally don’t think that stuff on DVD is crap compared to Blu-Ray. Most of my collection is DVDs, not Blu-Rays and I have no desire to upgrade. In fact I prefer my James Bond DVDs to the Blu-Rays which I also own. The colors on the DVD are more fresh and colorful looking whereas on the Blu-Ray they are more muted (and yes I have my settings set correctly and I’m using an HDMI cable) as well as the sound gets too loud on Blu-Rays in all the wrong places and times. I have to keep turning the volume up and down, something I don’t have to do on my DVDs. Honestly I don’t get all the hype about Blu-Rays. I think we’re just spoiled these days and we want to see every pixel, every pore on a person’s face. Any modern day DVD (and most older ones) are perfectly fine viewing. I have DVDs where nothing is remastered and they’re perfectly fine and far from crappy.