The trouble with Martin Sheen was he ALWAYS looked "young" early on in his career. In the 1973 movie Badlands, he played a character who was modelled on the serial killer Charles Starkweather (1938-1959). Sheen was born in 1940, so when he played this character who was executed when he was 21, Sheen was 33 -- yet he still looked young!

A really bad example of an actress who is looks too young playing a part is Gaye Nelson (born 1952) in Chain of Events, S05E07. Her character, Linda Rynak, who had sex with not only her boyfriend (Dirk Benedict, born 1945) but also a politician played by Linden Chiles (born 1933!), is supposed to be 18, but looks more like she is 14. The actress was actually about 20 years old when the show was broadcast, which is unbelievable.

I don't want to watch The Joker's Wild again just to prove a point, but is it said anywhere that McKinsey's character is a "young chick"? I have always considered her to be more of a "young cougar."

I already dealt with whites and other non-Asians playing Asians on this page: