After watching "Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies?" from S6 I'd like to figure out what auto race gave us the stock footage of a race crash in which one of the victims was killed in (it's when the bikini-clad woman Danno talks to recalls that "Albert liked to race cars". BTW, contrary to what we see in Mike's write-up of the episode I don't think this was the character's father given that she uses his first name and her name if I read the credits right is "Angie" and not "Ambrose"). This is also the crash we see in "Death On Tantalus Mountain" and the tail-end of it was in the opening credits starting in S5.

The crash looks to be an Indianapolis race car event, but it's not from an Indy 500 because the car numbers don't correspond to any Indy 500 of the era I've checked (the car designs are more of a late 1960s era as opposed to how they looked 1973-74). The doomed car is #96. Been trying to find a reference source that can help on that, though I hope it wasn't a case of using an actual fatal race crash for that purpose.