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Thread: Dumbest moves

  1. #1
    Nice to see the forum with lots of discussions again. I have yet another:

    Now we know one of the draws to Five-O (at least for me) is the fact that our favorite detectives are relatable. Yes, they're characters in a TV show but none of them are perfect. So amongst the Five-O detective corps, what's their dumbest moves in the series? I do understand that some of these are plot points to keep the story going and I'm going off the top of my head.

    McGarrett: He had a habit of sharing case information with the bad guys and it happened more than once. But I would venture to say his dumbest move was going undercover and not informing his team in "A Short Walk On The Longshore."

    Danno: While following a lead, falls right into a trap set by Marla and gang in "Deadly Courier."

    Chin: Going out into the middle of the night to meet someone who called him up. The caller claimed to have information for him to prove he's not taking bribes in "Cry, Lie." Unfortunately, it leaves him without an alibi during a murder.

    Kono: Following the kidnappers after the money drop at Sea Life Park in "The Ransom." He gets taken and is held with the little boy Timmy.

    Ben: When they're trying to bring a guy named Durko in "Journey Out Of Limbo," Ben accidentally shoots him dead. This one was tough for me since I can't remember Ben making any real dumb moves.

    Duke: The only one I can think for him is when he pulls the gun out of the car after the guy they chase down has a heart attack and crashes into a fire hydrant. Not only is Duke soaked, but so is the gun. Wouldn't fingerprints be washed away? I can't recall the episode at the moment.

    Kimo and Lori: Sitting outside Meredith Howell's house when they should have put him into protective custody. As they eat sandwiches and speak banal dialogue, Howell is kidnapped by vigilantes. (Sorry Ringfire, I *hate* this scene and despise the episode "Though The Heavens Fall").

    Truck: Stumbling his way through "The Kahuna" due to radiation poisoning. I don't know how many injuries he had in the end, but I know he twisted his ankles a couple of times and passed out at least once.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Nick: Chasing down Vera to the point she crashes into a trailer and burns up when the car explodes. She was the only lead they had up to that point in "The Young Assassins."

    Frank: I can't think of anything for him off the top. I know he helped out more than being a permanent team member.

    I'm sure there's stuff I have forgotten. Anybody else have any ideas?

  2. #2
    Ben's dumbest move - that wasn't really his fault. As Ben explained to Steve, he aimed to wound Durko, but Durko changed position at the last minute and Ben's bullet killed him. Stuff happens.

    Danno's dumbest move: not locking his car when he took Kurt Metzger to lunch in "The Young Assassins."

    Yes, indeed, Chin should have known better than to go out by himself in the middle of the night based on a phone call.

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Don't forget "A Very Personal Matter" (season 11). To quote from my review (not recently done):

    McGarrett is totally wrong about his suspicions of a crime being committed. The show is wince-producing in that the audience can see all along that McGarrett is full of it. Cameron Mitchell stars as Tom Riordan, an old Navy comrade of McGarrett ("the best bosun the Navy ever had"), now security chief at the Ilikai Hotel, whose son Tommy dies after an overdose of quaaludes. McGarrett vows to make it "a very personal matter" to determine if Doctor Danworth (Fritz Weaver) who prescribed Tommy the drugs is guilty of negligence. Unfortunately, McGarrett's loyalty to his old friend totally blinds him and he goes after the doctor with a vengeance, forgetting about things like the presupposition of innocence. Later, having doubts about persecuting Danworth, McGarrett finally says, "My God, maybe I misjudged the man," and apologizes to the doctor.

  4. #4

    Totally agree about Ben. Unfortunately, I couldn't really remember any dumb moves he made. That incident was the only one that came to mind. Unless, we count the time when he and Danno went into a bar when he should have insisted Danno just go home.

    Yes, an unlocked car made Danno and Kurt sitting ducks.

    Thanks for the reminder Mr. Mike, that was a bone-headed move on McGarrett's part.

  5. #5
    McGarrett also was pretty stupid near the end of "Will the Real Winkler Please Die?"

    Men on the hill are ready to shoot East German defector Roglov when he walks out from a "secret" meeting place with McGarett. After a double-agent spy tips off McGarrett as to what is coming, McGarrett chooses not to go after the men on the hill, but instead tries to trap the ringleader.

    However, he sets up an incredibly sloppy plan where Roglov is smuggled out under the guise of having had a heart attack, and they have "Winkler" (the other spy) return to his store. Then Five-O sets up a post watching the store, expecting the ringleader to show up. McGarrett is outsmarted by the ringleader who shows up as part of a tour group, and leads Winkler out at gunpoint after forcing Winkler to wear a straw hat to conceal his identity. The stupid hat fools everyone until the car drives away, until McGarrett says, "Looks like we've been had!"


    Even worse, Winkler was kidnapped in a large, clunky, tour vehicle, but somehow McGarrett can't catch up to it or find it, and the bad guy gets away with Winkler.


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