I agree mostly with ringfire. Yes, like Mike I noticed the Coast Guard uniforms and first said "wtf", but I quickly got past it. I didn't find it that distracting.

I will agree that the ending wasn't particularly well-written though. I found it convoluted. It would have been better if the traitor inadvertently led Five-O back to the boat. Kavanaugh's instructions to the traitor to watch a supposedly other suspected traitor was bizarre. Yes, it was a ruse by Kavanaugh, but what was he looking to accomplish? Shouldn't he have just pretended it was business as usual? (There was a very similar plot device in Nine Dragons, by the way, and it was also kind of frustrating to watch unfold.)

I always really liked the Wo Fat character. He was one of the more interesting villains, and the new version on Five-Zero didn't do him justice.