I was uploading videos from the 1996 H50 convention in Honolulu on my YouTube page a few years ago. One of these videos featured Jimmy Borges singing Girl from Ipanema at this luau which ended the convention, except he wasn't singing the actual lyrics of the song, but instead sort of a parody or joke version of those lyrics. Anyway, YouTube suddenly got all pissy, saying words to the effect that "this MUSIC is copyrighted [or whatever]." I had already had a run-in with YouTube a few years before this where my account there got canned because of this "three strikes and you are out" rule where I had uploaded copyright infringing material, so I quickly abandoned my attempts to upload this video with JB. I eventually just put it on my own site.

What makes me laugh, one of the things why my account was canned was a video of Jack Lord accepting an Oscar for some documentary film many years before. The Oscar people are extremely litigious about things like that. But what is "funny" is that the exact same video was on YouTube at the time and may still be there today, I dunno (I really don't care either). Amazing that YouTube, which is run by Google, which has "the greatest search engine in the history of humanity" cannot determine that this other video is or was exactly the same as mine and make an issue about it as well...