And thank goodness this was one case where the backlash made a difference. First, CBS/Paramount went back and redid Season 2 and restored better than half the music so now it was something of a hybrid but predominantly the original music. This continued in Season 3 but there were some episodes still significantly impacted (the episode "Coralee" was still 95% new music). Only in Season 4, when the library music primarily shifted to Dominic Frontiere composed cues from "Outer Limits" and "Stoney Burke" that everything was free and clear again.

But because Seasons 2 and 3 were still hybrid, fans still weren't happy. So finally, they came up with a complete series set that restored all the music but amazingly, because of one minor library music glitch they actually recalled the boxed sets just as they were ready to ship and it took a year for them to replace everything until it was finally fixed 100% (ironically I was one of the handful of people that got an initial set shipped out before the recall).

That shows how CBS/Paramount was just skittish to the point where if there was any doubt they went replacement whereas Warner takes the approach that if there's any doubt they don't release period since they don't do music replacement.