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Thread: The Can Of Paint Debate Rest In Peace Somebody

  1. #1
    Sorry Classic HFO Fans!
    Haven't been able to log on for over a year and a half. I was wondering what did you think about the paint can debate we discussed over on Mr. Mike's forum. Everybody remembers the scene when the paint is poured first all over McGarrett's desk. The trail of paint continues from the desk and McG's office and down the corridor and down the long set of steps. Cameron then continues pouring the paint down the street finally leading to the Governor's Office Door. Is it possible that much paint could stretch from a medium-sized can to the Governor's office? I decided NO which marked my Rest In Peace Somebody episode rating to 5 stars out of 6. For some newer forum Cadets, what do you think? JC

  2. #2
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    If someone would like to start a GoFundMe campaign to buy me a can of paint, I will punch a hole in it and walk somewhere where I won't get arrested for polluting the sidewalk or street with paint and see how many feet I can go before it runs out.

  3. #3
    I believe we’ve discussed this to death before. Governor’s office is just behind Iolani Palace. If hole is small enough then the paint will suffice. No gap in logic for me there. Classic episode!!

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