Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post
I agree the heart attack comment was over the line.

As I read it, I thought there's stuff here that I haven't read about before but what kept coming to mind was Michael Anderson Jr.'s interview on Mr. Mike's sight. That one interview gave me more insight into the cast dynamics than anything else.

When we see articles like this it seems the writer (or hack, your mileage may vary) will write about one extreme or the other - everything was chaos and people fighting or JL was the greatest thing since sliced bread. (We got a bit of both in this specific article). The bottom line is this: none of us were there 41-53 years ago to watch it all go down. None of us were flies on the wall with the ability to see what's true and what isn't. We're (and everyone else) is going off hearsay information that has morphed into some pretty ugly stories over the years. The truth is in there somewhere and I, personally, am not interested in slamming people. What happened, happened and there's no changing it. These folks have passed on and it's the writer's/hack's character, or lack of, that comes through loud and clear.

Just my two cents.
Thank you, Bobbi. That was well-said. None of us were there to see what went down. All that is there to go on is gossip and hearsay. No one with any common sense of halfway-functioning brain should accept that as fact but yet, they do. Maybe it's to satisfy their own egos. They might possess the same bad character traits as the actor they are reading about is purported to have, and reading that someone famous and successful was like that gives them the chance to act sanctimonious and trash that person, as a way to cover up for their own flaws. How did it affect us, who are sitting in our living rooms watching these people on TV? Yet, people are so quick to get out the knives and start stabbing these people (figuratively speaking), just to suit their own needs to feel better about themselves.