There are several errors in this article.

H50 was not in the top ten nine times, only four times:

[From FAQ on my site]
What kind of ratings did Five-O enjoy during its twelve-year run?

According to the WWW site

Season 1 (1968-1969) - Not in top 30
Season 2 (1969-1970) - #19
Season 3 (1970-1971) - #7
Season 4 (1971-1972) - #12
Season 5 (1972-1973) - #3
Season 6 (1973-1974) - #5 [this has been #10 on my site for at least 10 years, duh!!]
Season 7 (1974-1975) - #10

Season 8 (1975-1976) - Not in top 30
Season 9 (1976-1977) - #19
Season 10 (1977-1978) - #23
Season 11 (1978-1979) - Not in top 30
Season 12 (1979-1980) - Not in top 30

Patty Duke as the daughter of a mob rat!
There is no reference to her character's "father" in the show that I can see...

[Wo Fat] skipped five of the show’s 12 years, three of its last four.
He was in seasons 9 and 12, though if you mean "years" literally rather than "seasons," this is correct (Sept. 1976 / April 1980).

McGarrett slams Wo Fat’s fake passport onto his desk in fury.
This is not true, I have perpetuated this idea myself, it is not his passport:

Lord recorded a couple country albums
WHAT?!?!?!? Howcum I am hearing about this now for the first time in 25+ years?

For all I know, he drove Leonard Freeman to a heart attack.

Also pointed out to me in e-mail by Bill Koenig:
--Stoney Burke was in black and white.
--Cec Linder, JL's replacement as Leiter, was actually younger by about three months. He was born in March 1921. But he certainly looked older than JL.