JOHN'S REVIEW. THE CASE AGAINST PHILIP CHRISTIE 2.25 Stars ⭐⭐.25 Out Of 4 Stars. This is mostly a Court Room Episode And Scenes at The Philip Christie House 🏡. Philip Christie, an Electronics expert, is accused of killing his wife, Penny, during a party at their house with many co-workers and friends present. Christie with his mastery of mechanical and electronics supposedly utilized his gun and killed Penny and bolted the door from the inside. Escaping after he locked the door 🚪. Why leave the gun in his jacket in the closet? Why not place the gun in Penny's hand to make it look like suicide? Christie is the likely suspect as her husband and finding the weapon in his jacket in the closet. Also, the party participants are downstairs and have their alibi. McGarrett answers his jury summons and is admitted to the 12 member jury.

Ben Wahili admits on the stand that he overheard violent phone arguments at Dorn Electronics while Philip was working in close proximity. A strike against Philip Christie. It would suggest that they had angry and heated arguments with Penny and could have killed her. Vincent Van Dorn the head of Dorn Electronics was positive of Christie. His electronics expertise and academic work. Very highly qualified in his field. Monty Jarvis admits that he loved Penny Christie and was still in love with her. He was there when Philip broke down the door.
McG is the lone holdout 11-1 on the Philip Christie Jury and they later visit the Christie 🏠 house. Scene of the crime. In a re-creation, Roman is theorized by McG to be Penny's killer. She was going to expose their affair which would ruin his future marriage with Shirley Van Dorn. Roman does not refute this as 1 would expect. He is silent and looks downward. Philip Christie is later found Not Guilty. JC