Kam was not slamming Jack, as he says that, "He does only what he thinks is right." You can interpret that more than one way. "He does only what he thinks is right," meaning he doesn't take into regard what other people wanted, or it could be taken literally, that Jack did what he believed was right for the show.

There is no evidence that Kam ever complained about his role or said that he wanted Chin Ho Kelly's character to be different in any way and was ignored. There is also no evidence that Jack controlled the scripts as people claimed. No script writer or director ever came forward to confirm that. Scripts from H5O that have turned up don't indicate that changed anything around to give himself more lines, and if we watch the show, we see that guest stars got more sceentime than he, in some episodes. Kam was a grown man and could have left when he wanted to. He got paid well and if Jack's behavior was so bad that it was unbearable, he could have quit sooner. What I read was that he wanted to retire. He was 60 years old in 1978. That, coupled with the scripts becoming stale, would have cemented his reason for leaving. Harry Endo's daughter, Leslie, used to be on my Facebook friend's list. She died in 2016. She told me that Kam felt he should have been doing Shakespeare. I think that is extreme. Kam didn't look like he had the ability to pull that off.

I knew Al Harrington and his wife, Rosa. Al told me that he never saw any arguing or any discord between Jack and the other actors, and the crew made enough money to send their kids to private schools and pay their mortgages. They had nothing to complain about. I also spoke to Dennis Chun, Kam's son, and he spoke glowingly about Jack and that his dad thought highly of him. Maybe Kam's attitiude changed as he got older. I know he was singing a different tune in the '80s, when they were going to do a H5O reunion movie. I have a clip from a Hawaiian TV news show where Jack said he approached Kam in Long's drugstore, and told him they were bringing him back to life for the movie. "Kam, you're to make a miraculous resurrection," Jack said. Kam was astounded.