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Thread: More things become apparent the more you watch a show!

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    With Hawaii Five-O episodes many years ago, I would record them from TV, then dub them to a T-160 VHS tape where I could store 3 episodes, each 50 minutes or less. While doing this, I would edit out the commercials, and I had a dubbing VCR with flying erase heads so the places where the commercials were removed was a totally smooth transition. I did this for almost all of the 278 episodes of the show to get a "complete collection." But I never watched the vast majority of these shows again. And, of course, DVDs came out later anyway, starting in 2007!

    I did watch all the H50 shows on DVD when they were first released, and more recently I watched every episode again for a re-viewing, since many of the early reviews had opinions and observations dating back to the mid-1990s. I finished doing this re-view recently ... it took me almost 3 years.

    But then the other day I had to double-check an episode for something, and noticed 3 or 4 things that I missed during all previous viewings. Do I have to watch them all over again (augh)?

    Here are some examples (prompted by question about Ben's removal from the main titles, see discussion elsewhere). Underlined stuff is "new revelations."

    How to Steal a Masterpiece:

    Strictly speaking, the thieves saying that their message is on "the wrong side of the tracks" of the reel to reel tape is not correct. The message is written on the reel tape on the "inside" of the tape. This is where the "tracks" that contact the playback heads are located; therefore, the message is not on "the wrong side." As well, there is a possibility the message could be smudged or erased if the tape, contacting the playback heads, was played multiple times, depending what the message was written with.

    A Gun for McGarrett:

    Marni Howard, the dame who owns Kapiolani Galleries, says she bought the place "three months ago." But since she is seemingly connected to the plot run by Ivor Barry, has been a gap of three months in the story at this point? Or did she really buy the place three months ago and Barry has put the heat on her (especially since she is also a Limey) to co-operate with them?

    This episode is pretty good, though you have to wonder why doesn't McGarrett clue in to Marni working for Savage. When McGarrett is visiting Marni in the hospital after she is beaten up, Savage calls him there to say, "Mr. McGarrett, this is just a small example of what happens when a client of ours goes to the authorities. Keep it in mind," and hangs up. How would Savage know that McGarrett is there at that time? As well, both Savage and Marni have English accents!

    Ben isn't in this show, his duties are taken over by Doug Mossman. When Mossman is radioing McGarrett after Marni is beaten up and is at the hospital, he says "Kamana to McGarrett," but the subtitles say, "Come in, Officer McGarrett." McGarrett, who is out driving, makes a smokin' stock turn around a traffic island.

    The first nurse you see looking after McGarrett in the hospital is very cute, but she is only on screen for a few seconds. However, she does appear later (again, for only a few seconds) to tell McGarrett when he is visiting Marni that he has a phone call (the one from Savage).

  2. #2
    Are you asking do you have to watch all the episodes again? If so, why? I’m confused.

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Because I obviously missed stuff even during my second (or third or fourth) viewing!

  4. #4
    Well I wouldn’t worry about it Mike. We’re all human. We miss things. No need to kill yourself over something you missed. No matter how many times you rewatch you’ll still miss things. The point is not to catch EVERYTHING but to just have fun and enjoy the exercise.

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