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Thread: Gallery pictures on my site -- opinions wanted!

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    I need some feedback re GALLERY photos on my site, please!

    With my old monitor, the small pictures were 6 across (two levels). When you click on these small pictures, you will then see the "large" pictures, which are not affected by the following...

    I got a new monitor recently, and how the pictures are arranged depends on the width of the monitor, duh! On a phone they are different still.

    Now on my new monitor, they are 9 and 3...

    BUT ... I made a mistake today, and the "small" pictures were a different proportion, with the result they are larger and 5, 5, and 2.

    You can see them here at the end of this review:

    (Note, one of the pictures when you click on it is different in the "large" size.)

    Compare this to one of the other shows like the one right above:

    Please look at these pix using whatever method you normally use, i.e., your computer and/or your phone.

    Which of these arrangements do you think is better?

  2. #2
    I like the larger pictures, but it really doesn't matter because I can click on them to enlarge them if I like. That's a good feature! I'm looking at this site on my computer. I don't have a mobile phone, so it may make a difference on that. Perhaps someone else can give you feedback for that.

    Thanks for all this work you put in - it's a wonderful site. And I like your new Wo Fat avatar!

  3. #3
    I believe I prefer the larger small pictures as shown for "No Blue Skies". It lessens the need to open them to see things in greater detail.


  4. #4
    The first! Looks great on my monitor.

  5. #5
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    The whole business with these pictures is complicated.

    Originally the "small" pictures, the ones you click on to see the large picture(s) (which are produced by doing Screenshots with VLC Media Player) were on two levels like 6+6, because that's what happened with my old monitor.

    The layout of these "small" pictures is not done intentionally. The pictures in the HTML code are one after another like this

    PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE (etc. ... up to 12 or 18 in total, depending if this is a one hour or two hour show).

    So sort of like "word wrap," the "small" pictures will wrap a certain way depending on the way they are being displayed on a computer, a phone, an iPAD or whatever.

    On my old monitor, the "small" pictures are 6+6. On my Android phone, they appear as 4+4+4.

    I got a new monitor recently, and the "small" pictures are now 9+3, which looks kind of weird.

    The pictures in the GALLERY at the end of "No Blue Skies" are what I would call "medium" pictures. They are reduced 44% (close to 45%) from the VLC Media Player Snapshots. On my new monitor, they are laid out 5+5+2 ... which sort of looks OK. On my phone, these "medium" pix are 2+2+2+2+2+2.

    To me, these "medium" pictures at the end of "No Blue Skies" are kind of large. So I experimented, reducing them to 35%, which you can see at the end of "A Sentence To Steal" (another episode starring Tommy Sands, by the way) ... and the layout of these on my new monitor is 7+5. On my phone, they are 3+3+3+3.

    BUT ... there is another option!

    I experimented with doing a slide show, and after a lot of hassle, I came up with this, which is connected with "Who Says Cops Don't Cry":

    This slide show just uses the pictures from VLC again (the "large" pictures). The pictures in this slide show look OK on both my computer (using different browsers) and my phone.

    So which of these options do you think is best?

    It seems a lot of people viewing my site are doing so on computers and on my main page I recommend that you do this, or else turn your cell phone sideways and view it in the "landscape" mode. But cell phones shouldn't be ignored completely, even though a lot of pages other than the review pages themselves may have problems displaying...

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