Rest In Peace, Somebody could have been an effective 2 Part episode. Cameron severely wounding the Governor and or Kono and then escaping in his gear. The 2nd part would concentrate on the Governor and or Kono's health update and status at the hospital 🏥 and apprehending Cameron. Also, McG & the HFO 🌊 team would be trying to investigate Cameron sightings and captured him before he killed anymore people. It would be suspenseful as Cameron could be hiding anywhere in Hawaii. He could be hiding in an abandoned building or sugar mill or in some high cane. Just waiting to fire at McG and the HFO 🌊 team. It could end with Cameron getting the drop on McGarrett and holding him hostage. McGarrett then is forced to dig his own grave. At some point, McG pulls out a secret weapon hidden by his ankle. McG is able to wound Cameron and he is later arrested after a brief shootout with police. JC