Tonight 50 years ago, CBS dare to air, S04E18 "Skinhead".

This episode was an honest look at rape, at least what TV would allow in early 1972. It opens at a bar where a girl, Nora (Miko Mayama), talks to her boyfriend but is chased when she leaves. The guy who's chasing her is Mitch Kenner (Lee Paul). Kenner is in the Army and he's discovered as the attacker because Nora fought back, scratching her predator's chest. Kenner is subsequently charged but is later discovered that he couldn't have raped Nora, he was physically incapable.

The real rapist was Luke Leonard (Murray MacLeod) and he's found out thanks to the help by a young co-worker Chris (Dean Altier). Luke borrowed a shirt from Chris and was wearing it when he raped Nora.

Mr. Mike does so much better with his write-up:

This isn't one of my favorite episodes but it is excellent. McGarrett loses it calling the rapist an animal. Nora's attack is the fourth in six weeks. There's no mention of the other cases and whether Kenner or Luke were involved in the other attacks.

One of the questions that had to be asked at the time is whether the victim fought back. We do see the defensive wounds Nora has suffered. She also has to deal with slimy attorney Tasaki (Kwan Hi Lim) who we will see later in the Vashon trilogy. When Nora testifies, Tasaki twists the story to make it seem Nora asked for it. It's certainly the culture of the time.

This episode is definitely a must-see if someone limits the episodes they watch (I don't know why!) But it's not a introductory episode either.

Happy 50th, "Skinhead"!!!