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Thread: Cloth Of Gold turns 50

  1. #1
    Tonight 50 years ago (I know I'm late), CBS aired S04E20, "Cloth Of Gold".

    This is one of my favorite episodes and this was the one that hooked me in permanently into Five-O. The episode opens with a birthday party for one Ralph Mingo (Jay Robinson) who is a complete germaphobe. That doesn't stop Mingo from dropping dead after opening one of his presents.

    Mingo is into shady real estate dealings with McGarrett and the Five-O team lamenting about how they've been unable to nail Mingo and his two partners: Fred Akamai Loy (Ray Danton) and Wallis (Jason Evers). Five-O can't figure out what exactly happened and the course of their investigation is at the heart of the show.

    However, Five-O is running out of time because Akamai is killed as well. There is a hysterical scene/sequence afterward that I'll go into in a moment.

    Meantime, Five-O now folds Akamai's death into Mingo's but they still don't know what's going on. It's only when Kono notices two dead fish in the aquarium do the pieces begin to fall into place. But not before Wallis, too, bites the bullet. In this case, the sting of a shellfish known as "Cloth of Gold."

    Turns out, there's an grieving father in the mix played by William Valentine. He's the culprit avenging his 16 year-old daughter's death due to infectious hepatitis by using a dirty needle. The trio hooked her on drugs, filmed porn with her and who knows what else. These three guys were not nice! But in the end, the father commits suicide by putting the shellfish next to his chest.

    Mr. Mike does a much better job at reviewing the episode here:

    I love this episode and it's one of my favorites! The hysterical scene/sequence mentioned above had me on the floor laughing! Danno shows up to the house, practically dragging Wallis back in because the latter jumped into a squad car and refused to get out! Questioning the staff, Danno doesn't get anywhere and warns Wallis to not even think about leaving Hawaii because he will be arrested! Wallis isn't impressed but finds a pair of babes, Eadie and Donna (note: these are the names of the college age girls at the center of S01's "Uptight"), and goes strolling off. Danno cuts him off at the knees when he questions the ladies what *they* were doing the morning Akamai died. Wallis is so paranoid and Jason Evers pulls off it off perfectly! The shot of Danno makes him look like the cat that ate the canary!

    After going into Akamai's room and discussing things with Che (Harry Endo) and Kono, Danno walks up to Wallis (who is now alone!) and cracks about hoping he didn't spoil Wallis' fun. I was hooked at the point I hit the floor. Danno was great!

    This episode uses an unusual murder weapon and the fact that the team has to figure things out makes it a lot of fun to watch.

    Happy 50th, "Cloth of Gold"!!!

  2. #2
    I also like this episode and I haven't seen it for quite a while. It will have to go on my "to watch" list! Thanks for the reminder, Bobbi. I just love the scenes with Doc Bergman in the morgue. He's so excited because he has a really interesting case with a mystery to solve. Love it when Doc is rattling off the causes of death that he has ruled out and then Danny comments "He is dead..." LOL! And Doc throws all those scientific words at Steve, which Steve hates. "Plain English, Doc!"

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Danno's comment reminds me of one in a Kojak episode, S02E13, Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die.

    The pharmacist Doyle has a good line when Crocker asks him what was Lisa's medication for. Doyle says "That's what they call 'a psychic energizer,' it's sort of an upper, but it's not so hard on the system. It tends to prevent withdrawal." Saperstein asks, "From what?" Doyle replies, "Life."

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