Here's something I never knew about Jack Lord.

His second wife, Marie DeNarde, was 44 when he married her in 1949, when he was just 29 himself!

Marie was born in 1905, and lived all the way until 2005 -- making it 2 months past her 100th birthday! Jack was born in 1920, and died in 1998, at age 77.

Jack famously had Alzheimer's, and Marie took care of him (and hid him away from public view) while he was deteriorating.

Jack was previously married for 3 years, divorcing in 1947. He had a child from that marriage whom he saw only once. The child died at age 12. It's not clear why he wasn't in the kids life. He didn't have any kids with Marie, presumably because she was already 44 when they got married, and probably couldn't successfully have children anymore. (It's a myth that women can have children while still menstruating -- most have poor quality eggs after 43, and cannot have a successful pregnancy.)

This was supposedly taken in 1970. Marie would have been 65, and Jack 50. This looks a little more age-appropriate than they likely did in 1949.

Credit to Jack for staying with her long after he got very famous. Many successful men will seek a younger woman at that point. Jack stayed with an older one! Marie supposedly gave up her career in fashion design, in order to be with Jack and help him with his acting career. She was reportedly very protective of him, both when he was healthy and when he got sick.