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Thread: To Heck With Babe Ruth Trivia

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    In Babe Ruth, Nagata goes to his old house, which is all boarded up. Takuma says that this place has been "boarded up" for years -- a total of 28 years, actually! But I wonder, would a house just have been allowed to sit and decay like this? Aren't there zoning issues or something, or neighbors might have complained? Of course, everything inside the house, including a secret door, is exactly the same as 28 years ago.

    Virginia Wing, the woman who played the daughter in the show, is still active today:

    One of the WWW sites connected with her has a multi-part interview. There is also a resume of sorts which shows all the stage productions, TV shows, etc. that she has appeared in over the years on another page.

    A quick look at both these things suggests she made no mention of her role in Babe Ruth...

  2. #2
    “We will be like white swans, Kumiko!” LOL that’s what always sticks in my mind about the episode. All the ranting and raving about Kumiko and those blasted white swans! No wonder she doesn’t mention this episode. She got tired of repeating to him that she wasn’t Kumiko. LOL!

  3. #3
    I thought it was authentic the old dilapidated house with the cobwebs and the secret door. Mr. Mike makes a good point. Wouldn't it just be condemned or torn down or something? I really enjoyed this episode the first time I viewed it. However, it receives poor reviews. The next two watches, I have to agree with those who rated it low. It was a swing and a miss although it was an interesting story concept. Same with When Does A War End? Nagata was difficult to like or sympathize with I think. It made the episode a rather bad one as he is very front and center in the episode. JC

  4. #4
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    As mentioned in my review of this show, I am sure that the author of this episode had seen a very similar show on Hawaiian Eye. I have linked to this Hawaiian Eye episode in my review, but to save time, you can go directly to it on my site. This may be available for only a limited time...

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