Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
How about Rockford Files? Ever think about checking that one out?

Come on, give me a break.

I've been typing for at least 60 years and I have developed carpal tunnel-like symptoms. Watching 123 episodes of Rockford (which would take at least 2/3 of a year, watching and then writing up) I figured would require a LOT of typing.

As well, when watching shows, I now have a tendency to fall asleep in a way I'm not conscious of falling asleep and wake up realizing I missed something (sometimes not!).

It's like a big axe came down and cut out 15, 20 or 30 minutes of the show, it's creepy!

After a LOT of investigating, I finally found what I thought was the medical name of this condition (falling asleep), but when I told my doctor, he said, "No, it's not that." He didn't speculate on what could really be causing this, other than the standard response which is like "That's what happens when you are old."

There are plenty of shows that I have never seen a single episode of. Some people think I should drop everything I'm doing and watch seasons of these shows which go on for years, like NYPD Blues, Hill Street Blues, even M*A*S*H! (I don't think I have ever seen a single episode of any of them.)

One thing I used to consider if I was doing reviews of an entire show was whether someone else had already done this. I think there are plenty of discussion groups and WWW sites for Rockford already. There is no point for me doing reviews of a site which I have never seen and/or don't particularly like.

You should have asked me before 2010 if there was not going to be an H50 reboot which I wasted 10 years of my life doing, maybe I might have considered doing some other show(s) then! I did manage to do some shows during this time frame that I >was< interested in, i.e., Peter Gunn, The Invaders, Streets of San Francisco, Kojak and Mission Impossible (1988).