Tonight 50 years ago, CBS aired the second of the infamous Vashon trilogy - S05E10 "'V' For Vashon: The Father".

The episode picks up where the last one left off. Chris, the son/grandson of the Vashon family, is dead and his father Honore (Harold Gould) is looking for revenge. Honore has his sights specifically set on McGarrett and he isn't alone. Dominick (Luther Adler), Chris' grandfather and Honore's father, joins his son in seeking revenge. However, Dominick has a different course of action than Honore. Dominick wants McGarrett to suffer.

Of course, McGarrett and the Five-O team do not sit still. A photograph of a created headstone that says, "McGarrett - 1972", is sent to the Iolani Palace. It's taken as it's intended - a death threat against McGarrett. The team immediately gets to work. First, they locate where the photo was taken, by Chris' new grave. Second, they bug the crap out of Honore. Listening devices in his house, car and wherever else they can think of.

Honore, not taking this lying down, does everything he can to interfere with the devices. Lots of running water, surf pounding on the beach and loud garbage disposals. He is able to contact Dominick and come up with a plan. Thanks to a note passed in church by his wife and eventually to Philidor, Honore is able to hire a hitman.

This hitman, Dylan Heyward (Don Knight), sets the rules out for Honore. The man works alone and it'll take time to figure out McGarrett's patterns. He does that, but Five-O figures out what Heyward is up to and catches him red-handed. Heyward testifies against Honore in exchange for time at a maximum security prison under an assumed name.

The episode closes with Dominick swearing his vengeance by telling Honore, "My turn!"

Mr. Mike does a great job in his review here:

Again, not my cup of tea but I like the move, countermove, yet another countermove in the whole cat and mouse shenanigans that happen in this episode. We also say goodbye to yet another Park Lane as a bomb is set off after a tow truck driver (Chuck Couch) opens the driver's door.

McGarrett and the team hit the dirt because McGarrett realizes too late that the door had been locked!

Another nice twist was the use of a policewoman (Elithe Aguilar) pretending to be from Dial-a-Girl. She distracted Heyward long enough that a mannequin was put into McGarrett's place and takes the bullet for him. Nice suspense build-up in this part of the episode. It made it quite enjoyable to watch.

Happy 50th, "'V' For Vashon: The Father"!!!