Tonight, CBS aired the third and final part of the Vashon trilogy - S05E11 "'V' For Vashon: The Patriarch".

We begin with a quick summary from Part 1 where Chris (Robert Drivas) dies after being shot by McGarrett and from Part 2 where we see Honore (Harold Gould) being found guilty of hiring a hitman to take out McGarrett.

We're now left with Dominick (Luther Adler), Chris' grandfather and Honore's father. Dominick is just plain seeing red now and has his sights sets squarely on the man he blames for everything befallen his family - McGarrett. Nick sets up an elaborate frame with help from Tosaki (Kwan Hi Lim). They find a con, Freddy Sullivan (Robert Luck), who professes his innocence but is made to believe Five-O and HPD has set him up by planting drugs in his house.

Things quickly unravel as Sullivan goes gunning for McGarrett while the latter is attending a luncheon. A fake message lures McGarrett to the parking garage where he is accompanied by Harvey Matheson Drew (John Stalker). In the shootout, McGarrett kills Sullivan in self-defense. However, upstairs in the elevator where Sullivan collapsed, there is no gun. It appears McGarrett has killed an unarmed man.

To make a long story short, Manicote (Glen Cannon) has no choice but to file murder charges against McGarrett and he's found guilty. We all know McGarrett wouldn't stand still if he could. The team continues their investigation and discover Sullivan wasn't killed by McGarrett's shots but rather someone poking a needle into his ear and piercing his brain (ouch!). A test run in the elevator also proves there was enough time to abscond with Sullivan's gun!

To make matters worse, Nick's key witness to everything, Harvey Drew, is outed by a kid named Bobby Raisbeck (John Beatty). Five-O tracks him down and put the dots together - Drew's secret would be kept by the Vashons if he helped them put away McGarrett. Oops!

It all comes down to a confrontation at Nick's place that is one of the craziest I've ever seen. The ending is appropriate for this trilogy.

Mr. Mike has an excellent review here:

This episode is well done and I love the camera work in that final scene. Nick refuses to allow Five-O to take him in and shoots himself in the head! Of course, this doesn't happen in Real Life. However, there is a lamp hiding Nick's head on the floor. There is also not a pool of blood and I appreciate that too. I don't need everything so graphic - I can imagine it myself!

Another scene I really enjoy is when Ben speaks to Joe (Lippy Espinda). Joe tells Ben all about Spider Brown, a cat burglar, and how he had a roll of money and a pair of shiny new shoes. Then Brown vanished because he said the name one doesn't just drop if they want to stay healthy. Ben assures Joe no one will know where he got the info. It's a great interaction!

Happy 50th, "'V' For Vashon: The Patriarch"!!