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Thread: Diane McBain RIP

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.

    Diane McBain, who starred in The Moroville Covenant, passed away on December 21. According to Wikipedia, "She was best known for playing an adventurous socialite in the 1960–1962 television series Surfside 6 and as one of Elvis Presley's leading ladies in 1966's Spinout."

    Moroville was actually the second episode filmed for the twelfth season, though the last broadcast, to give the appearance that Sharon Farrell, who disappeared halfway through the season (was she fired or just left, no one knows and she has never talked about this), was still with the show near the end.

    McBain's appearance in this show is nothing special, and the end of the show is particularly cringeworthy, perhaps more so than in any other episode of the entire series. As to why I gave it a rating of one star, this was because it >was< the second episode filmed, both newbies Farrell and William Smith actually show they are interested in the investigation. But I think it is time to drop the rating of this episode from one to BOMB, because it is basically crap from beginning to end.

  2. #2
    Mr. Mike
    I hope you keep the Monroville Covenant 1 star 🌟 or better. It was authentic when Kimo went investigating in Idaho. The mystery of who was driving the car before the car accident 20+ years ago in Monroville was interesting although it talked about a rough sounding snowstorm...I think the politician would have been given the benefit of the doubt. He accidentally struck his rich Aunt who died. His accident sounds tame when you think of the political affairs and things politicians running have now. Have to agree with you about the ending. One of the worst in HFO history. 1 thing I liked...they still supported the politican because they knew he was honest and hard-working and a good man. JC

  3. #3
    The 12th season is one big train wreck with only about five episodes worth re-watching. The creepy ending of Moroville is the main reason I DON'T re-watch it. Everything is forced and contrived.

    As far as the trip to Idaho, it doesn't make any sense time-wise. If Dave was running a campaign for the Senate, the general elections are held in November. I also looked up Hawaii's primary elections and they're usually held August. In other words, the trees would NOT have been fully leafed and green in Idaho at that time. I know there's a shot of the bus on the highway with green trees on either side and they're not cedar or pine.

    It's your review, Mr. Mike, but I agree with the Bomb rating. The only redeeming quality it has is that the Five-O team was still interested in solving cases.

  4. #4
    Sorry Moroville Covenant. I had spelled it incorrectly. This was a season 12 episode that wasn't the best. I would say Lion In The Streets is my FAV from Season 12. It seems the politician and Evie still had a connection and love even 20+ years later. The wife had some jealousy when watching them. I think what resonates me with this episode...The future Senator even as a young man showed discipline, intelligence, and talent. He was going to be somebody. Evie had sacrificed herself so He would could go to college and reach his aspirations and career. This has happened in other Cop Shows and Crime Dramas where 1 brother will take the rap for another. Bitter Wine Streets Of SF springs to mind. The Greek Family. The 1 brother takes the rap for the other brother. Serving several years in prison. It still happens today here in America and other countries. One brother or sister in a family is favored and given the opportunity to be the owner of the company or go to law school or whatever. JC

  5. #5
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Speaking of the "honesty" of politicians, this recent article is quite amusing:

  6. #6
    Mr. Mike
    Enjoyed the article from The Guardian. I thought it was interesting in Chain Of Events...Some of James Trevor Warren's loyal staff started to defect after he was discovered having an affair. Plus, the sexually transmitted disease he acquired. He was running for Senator I believe. Notice in The Moroville Covenant, David Lawrence supporters stuck by him even though the development could have been troublesome to his campaign. Paul Burke did an excellent job as Lawrence. He made the character appear honest and of high morality. Lawrence was by trade an attorney. It appeared they had a good friendship. McG and Lawrence. Speaking of Evie, I liked the character as it seemed David and Evie still felt strongly about each other. They hadn't seen each other in a few decades. Probably each other's first love. I think The Moroville Covenant might have jumped up to 2 or 3 Stars if they had changed a few things. Say instead of David's past with Evie, Lawrence witnessed a murder in his passed or recently. It would have been suspenseful and tense as Lawrence admitting to McG what he witnessed. HFO Team would have to protect Lawrence from the killer. JC

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