I watched this one last night. I last saw it in the 1990s.

Before I give my impression of the episode, I want to mention something from my own life which sprung from this episode, before I ever watched Five-O.

I used to call telephone party lines when I was younger. They were fun -- kind of like chat rooms, except on the phone. I met various friends and girlfriends on these lines, some of whom I'm still in contact with. One of the friends I met was a guy named Sean, who lived in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.

Sean's name on the lines was "Psycho Brains", and it took awhile until he told me his real name. He had a gimmick, where he would yell out loud in a psychotic voice, "HAVE YOU EVER LICKED THE BOOTS OF A FULL BLOWN PSYCHO?!", and then he'd start pounding buttons on the phone over and over while yelling "YUK YUK YUK YUK YUK YUK!"

Once I got to know Sean, I realized this was all just an act, and he was a (mostly) normal guy. Eventually I went over to his house and met him in person. I asked him where he came up with the "licked the boots of a full blown psycho" line, and he said he made it up.

Well, as we know from watching this episode, that wasn't true. Sean must have seen "The Listener" episode of Hawaii Five-O and stolen that line, and replaced the high-pitched tongue-motion sound by Cerebrus with "YUK YUK YUK YUK"!

I met Sean in person in early 1991. By mid-1991, I heard he was talking to my ex-girlfriend from earlier in the year. Even though Sean and I weren't close friends, this bothered me a little bit, because I just didn't like the idea of him dating her so soon after me. I called him and asked about it, and he said, "Todd, I just talk to her. I don't have any interest in her. I know you cared about her a lot. I wouldn't do that to you." He sounded sincere, but I wasn't sure if I believed it. My ex was really pretty, and he was talking to her a lot. He hadn't seen her in person yet, but I had a feeling if they met, he wouldn't keep his hands off for my sake.

Well, Sean either was lying or couldn't help himself. I heard from someone who knew my ex that she met Sean and had sex with him. I never bothered to call and confront Sean about this. After all, she wasn't my girlfriend anymore, and hadn't been in several months. When she and I broke up, she didn't know Sean, so he had nothing to do with it. Still, I didn't really have a desire to talk to him again, and I think he realized that I knew about it, so he didn't call me, either.

About 3 years later, I heard that Sean had died in a motorcycle accident. I learned about it maybe 6 months after it happened.

About 2 years after learning of his death, you can imagine my surprise when I was watching "The Listener" and I heard those words: "How does it feel to lick the boots of a full blown psycho?", followed by a psychotic noise! I thought maybe I was imagining it, and actually rewound the tape to make sure I heard it right.

At the moment I wished I could have called Sean and told him I knew where he got it from, and asked him how big of a Five-O fan he was. I had long forgiven him by then.

Anyway... I'll do the review in my next post.