Tonight, CBS aired "Percentage" - S05E21 of Five-O.

The episode concerns Sam (Milton Selzer) who is running gambling junkets through a travel agency with his partner. The partner, James O'Hara (John Howard) meets a particularly bad end at the beginning. Yoshigo (Kwan Hi Lim) is a rival gangster and is none too pleased the pair is sucking money out of his empire by taking customers away.

Five-O meets Sam at the airport to break the news. Sam is known to them and he's friendly with McGarrett. However, during the latest trip, a businessman named Bill Howard (Mitch Mitchell) runs up a tab with Kuang (Seth Sakai) in Seoul, which Sam is responsible for to the tune of $120,000!!

Back in Hawaii, Howard dies after presumably jumping from the balcony. This is just as Danno is going to talk to him.

Through their investigation, Five-O meets Valerie Sinclair (Carole Kai), a young, beautiful woman married to an old geezer Walter (Douglas Kennedy). Valerie and Howard apparently had a thing going on.

On top of this, Yoshigo's accountant Stein (Leonard Stone) plots with Sam to get Yoshigo's books by breaking into the safe. Sam's plan is to turn in Yoshigo so Sam can corner the junket market. He also plans to promote Stein who is seeking revenge on his boss because Yoshigo recently demoted him.

Meanwhile, Che Fong (Harry Endo) is busy determining that Howard was dead when he went over the railing. He also figures out the true cause of death - being hit over the head with a club.

Turns out, Sam killed Howard in order to pay off Kuang. Walter paid Sam to do it because he wanted to break apart Howard and Valerie permanently.

The title comes for Sam in a conversation with McGarrett (I think he said it earlier to Stein too) - he was playing the "percentage."

Mr. Mike does a great job reviewing this episode, here:

Not one of my favorites and it suffers from being overly confusing when it doesn't need to be. I have to laugh about the location shot being "Seoul, Korea" when it's actually Hong Kong (I think).

There is a scene where Ben and HPD stop Kuang from leaving Hawaii with the cash Sam gave him. The exchange is pretty entertaining.

Happy 50th, "Percentage"!!