Tricks Are Not Treats 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐ Out Of 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐.

Tricks Are Not Treats definitely is an appropriate title near Halloween 🎃. I remembered watching this back in the late 1980's as a teenage JC. I didn't enjoy it after the first watching. As years have passed, I have enjoyed it more with each viewing. HFO should have filmed more episodes in this part of town with the African Americans in Hawaii. Glynn Thurman's performance as Harley Dartson is particularly impressive. I also enjoyed Lynne Ellen Hollinger's role as his wife Semantha. She is in several HFO 🌊 episodes and does her usual great work. Ron Glass known for his time on Barney Miller later...He is killed very early in the episode as J. Paul. I like this episode as the pressure and tension builds after J. Paul's death. Lolo is exacting more and more percentage from the Macks. It makes sense if Lolo is eliminated then the new man in charge might give a lower percentage. Revenge is also sought for J. Paul's death. A hit man from Detroit is summoned to take out Lolo. There's a great scene where 1 hitman takes out another hitman in a nice twist. I wouldn't place Tricks Are Not Treats in My Top 10 or Top 20 FAV Classic HFO 🌊 episodes. However, it is a very solid episode in the series. I enjoy it more with each viewing. Season 6 has some of the best episodes in the Series. It might be HFO 🌊 at the height of its powers. The episodes are creative and interesting...Hookman, Draw Me A Killer, etc. JC