One Born Every Minute 2.5 Stars ⭐⭐ 1/2 Out Of 4 Stars ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐. Season 6.

A solid episode but not 1 of my FAV. Cindy provides good eye candy throughout the episode. It was also nice to watch some of the HFO stock actors like Doug Mossman, Jimmy Borges, and Tommy Fujiwara earn some quality screen time. Joe Connors appears to be a competent and intelligent leader of the bunco group. I don't understand why he's surprised 1 of the marks would eventually commit suicide. They are losing several thousands of dollars in these swindles. Harry Maguire's suicide is investigated by HFO. The intelligent Connors makes the mistake of proceeding with 1 more score before leaving the area. Alex Anderson working with HFO pretends to go along with the game and then Connors and the rest of the accomplices in the hotel room are apprehended by McG and HFO. It was great to watch Connors lose in the end. McG & HFO wraps up the case. JC