I have rediscovered this French site which is mainly for The Avengers, but it also reviews tons of other TV shows, including Classic H50. Some of the opinions regarding our favorite episodes will make your eyes pop, though.

Unless you speak French, if you want to translate stuff to English, you must use a browser which has a "Translate (to English)" prompt found by right-clicking on the page; choose this prompt, which will change everything to English (or your preferred language).

At the top of the page for each season, there are large arrows. Click on the right pointing arrow to go to the next season, or the left arrow to go back.

Note that for H50, there is an error. If you click on the first thing in each season's list, it will not work (this has been reported); if you click on the second show, you can then scroll backwards to the first show.

If you want to see other series that have been reviewed, click on the link that says HORS SÉRIE at the top of the page, which will produce a drop-down menu.

To see the H50 section of the site, go to this link:
