Yeah I don't understand how Five-O is supposed to be "right wing". If anything, the show was more left than right, with some episodes featuring pro-environmental or anti-gun messaging.

Truthfully, it was just a police procedural show with the twist of an on-location Hawaiian setting. Politics typically didn't play into it.

The mostly apolitical nature of the show was best shown in the episode "Mother's Deadly Helper". McGarrett said something which remains correct 50 years later -- "Right or left, the lunatic fringe is ready to take things into its own hands, that's one thing they share in common."

While the villain in this show is a fanatical, uneducated right winger, McGarrett is also shown having disdain for a liberal talk show host named Freddy Dryden (played by Casey Kasem), who had apparently unfairly criticized him and Five-O before.

The writers were careful to show unsavory characters from both political sides in this one.

Presumably the author believes McGarrett is a right wing authoritarian because the modern left believes the police are the enemy of the people.

In short, the review is incredibly stupid.