50 years ago tonight, CBS aired S07E03 “I’ll Kill ‘Em Again”.
This episode has, what Mr. Mike calls, “the series’ creepiest killer.” Danny Goldman is Eddie Josephs. Eddie is too smart for his own good and decides to play games with Five-O and in particularly, McGarrett.
Eddie decides to ‘recommit’ old murders in the same locations and posing the bodies exactly as they were found in some old Five-O cases. Eddie is scary attention detailed as he goes to great pains to make sure even the clothes are right!
Eddie works at a bookstore run and owned by Harry Beecham (Ivor Francis). Beecham likes having Eddie there but Eddie has been late too many times. Eddie knows where every book is but he’s useless if he doesn’t show up. Eddie’s been busy killing people, mailing postcards to McGarrett and taunting the Five-O head on the phone.
Beecham becomes a target but that murder was completely unplanned. McGarrett knows this because the handwriting and tone of the postcards have changed.
Once Five-O figures out what’s going on – they didn’t have a motive and the victims didn’t have anything in common – Eddie is tracked down. They stop him mid-kill and Eddie yells at McGarrett, “You can’t win!” Eddie then jumps out a window to his death.
Mr. Mike does a much better job than I. His review is found here: https://www.fiveohomepage.com/5-0log7.htm#147
This is one of the best episodes of the series. It’s interesting and complex. The motivation isn’t necessarily known off the bat and the use of a magazine series that covered older, solved Five-O cases is neat. It’s certainly different.
Danny Goldman does a good job in his role as does Ivor Francis. Francis was Genie Francis’ father and as such, was Jonathan Frakes’ father-in-law since 1988. (Another bit of Star Trek and Five-O mashing up).
What makes this a fun episode, Eddie is a criminal who actually holds his own against McGarrett for a bit. The dynamic has shades of S04E10 “Rest In Peace, Somebody”.
One thing that sticks in my mind is the closing shot. We see Eddie on the pavement and a power line across the window. How did Eddie manage to jump and MISS the power line!? I think we would have actually had fried Eddie before splatted Eddie. But that’s just me.
Happy 50th, “I’ll Kill ‘Em Again”!!![]()