Ringfire always used to be annoyed because I only gave this episode 2 stars, but that is all it deserves, if that.
The story line is stupid, because Ralston, the bad guy, has some kind of superpowers.
He gets a Section 8 in Colorado (mentally unfit, kicked out of the service) two months before, but then he comes (back?) to Hawaii and somehow manages to figure out when people are coming there on R&R from his former platoon, so he can knock off their wives who are also going to be there. And he manages to steal a car from the army base to help him impersonate a "welcoming committee." This doesn't make any sense. Ralston seems kind of dense aside from his personality problems which produced the Section 8. Having been turned down by the Army to join OCS (Officer Candidate School), he tries to join the Marines using a different name, and they quickly figure out that he is not who he says he is.
The end of the show is stupid. The woman whose husband died in action and who just missed this news before Ralston spoofed her into coming back to Hawaii is on a plane, along with Colonel Hart from the investigative branch of the Army, who is supposed to be taking care of her until she can return on the next flight.
Ralston can somehow come on to the plane, but surely Hart would recognize him and do something about this! Rather than just kill the woman, Ralston takes her hostage because McGarrett, being clever, returns to the plane and comes back into it, realizing that something is screwy. (I think Ralston was surprised by McGarrett.) As well, instead of stabbing Hart to death, he seems to just knock him out or something. It would be pretty obvious if Ralston came into the plane via the only stairway that something was wrong!!