Tonight, CBS aired S04E19 "While You're At It, Bring In The Moon" 50 years ago.

McGarrett goes toe to toe with one of the weirdest characters in the whole series. Morgan Hilliard (Barry Sullivan) is mega rich and eccentric. He knows someone is trying to frame him for murder. Danno and Chin arrive on Hilliard's estate to find Byers (Ed Flanders), Otis Mims (H.M. Wynant) and Victor Tabernash (Milton Selzer) standing around after yet another associate is lying dead by the swimming pool.

Hilliard kidnaps McGarrett and brings him aboard the yacht. Of course, McGarrett is not impressed by this one bit. It's disturbing that his team doesn't realize what's happened until several minutes pass by.

Turns out Byers is the bad guy with a very unique weapon, which is one of the most interesting things about the episode!

Mr. Mike has an excellent write-up here:

This episode is 'meh' for me. It's one of the 278 but doesn't stand out that much to me. I know other people's mileage may differ.

It could be the focus is mostly on McGarrett. There's also a weird edit on the Amazon video (which I have) because McGarrett is about lecture Hilliard on kidnapping and how McGarrett isn't interested in helping prove his innocence by force. The video abruptly cuts back to Honolulu and I don't know if that happens on the DVD releases. Like I said, it's weird.

The ending is kinda fun, even if it's far-fetched with McGarrett being the target for Byers. Byers is holding the remote controlling the rifle and I'm pretty sure this wasn't possible at the time - I believe the tech was too new. But that is what makes the ending interesting, at least to me. Also of note, this is the rare episode where we see McGarrett smile but more importantly, he gives a shaka sign.

Happy 50th, "While You're At It, Bring In The Moon"!!!