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Thread: Oh dear!

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Michelle Borth, who is in the news because of her role in the film Shazam, got a few people excited when she blabbed recently that the new H50 was renewed for Season 10 when it has not been announced yet (I dunno why, there are only a few more shows to go, what's the big secret?).

    Borth is seriously disliked by some of the reboot's fan base because her character Catherine (never the actress, NOOOOO!) is a threat to the "bromantic" relationship between McGarrett and Danno and because Catherine has been jerking McGarrett around with >their< relationship for quite a while ... as well as the fact that Borth the actress got kind of uppity at some fans years ago.

    Nice of Lenkov to step in and make the following pronouncement relating to this recent flap which has opened old wounds with some people...

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  2. #2
    I don't love the Catherine character, but I don't understand the hate some people have because of it.

    What did Borth say to anger fans?

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    Borth pissed off some of the fandom a few years back by arguing with them. See this link, among others, including replies:

    As well, she is not liked by some fans because of the way her character has treated McGarrett by basically abandoning him. (But, on the other hand, the character of McGarrett has often displayed Hamlet-like indecision about his relationships, not that I am suggesting that the H50 reboot is like Hamlet, by the way.)

    There are two big factions of fans of the show, one for McDanno, meaning those who favor the "relationship" between the two male leads and the other for McRoll (meaning McGarrett and Catherine Rollins).

    It is not easy to track down a lot of this hysteria, much of it takes place on some H50 equivalent to the "dark web."

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