Hi, welcome to the site. I hope you stick around and make other postings.

While I don't hate Danno as much as Mike and some other Five-Zero viewers, I admit that the carguments have gotten stale and annoying.

Unfortunately, the writers just don't seem particularly good at reading the room (aka the viewing audience), despite a plethora of review sites and social media comments.

Look how long the restaurant dragged on, before they finally "sold" it and put the story to bed. What was once conceived as a way to write Danno out of the show if Scott Caan chose not to renew became an annoying and universally hated ongoing story. For some reason, the writers and producers were the last to figure this out, and we had to endure tons of lame restaurant crap until it was finally ended.

This show would benefit from some new energy, new ideas, and new directions. I'm not even talking about anything radical. They did a great episode in Season 9 (in somewhat "Miami Vice" style), where Five-Zero chases down a gang of deadly bank robbers, one of whom is a sympathetic character with a connection to Junior. Almost everything about this episode was well done, and they spent the entire time on the plot, rather than carguments or time wasting Ohana nonsense.

I would love to see more of that sort of innovation -- staying true to the show and its characters, but with well drawn and intense storylines.