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Thread: Is season four the nastiest?

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    S04E01 - Highest Castle, Deepest Grave -- Young girl kills her mother and mother's lover, resulting in mental instability
    S04E02 - No Bottles ... No Cans ... No People -- Gangster has people knocked off and dumped in an incinerator
    S04E03 - Wednesday, Ladies Free -- customer of prostitute is upset when she leaves the business, he starts murdering other women
    S04E04 - 3,000 Crooked Miles to Honolulu -- armored car employees are murdered with a bazooka
    S04E05 - Two Doves and Mr. Heron -- drugs, hints of homosexuality, hippies, a betrayed lover
    S04E06 - ... And I Want Some Candy and a Gun That Shoots -- mass murder by sniper
    S04E07 - Air Cargo -- Dial For Murder -- guy is murdered because he knows too much about a racket involving fraud
    S04E08 - For A Million ... Why Not? -- armored car employees are killed in a nasty way
    S04E09 - The Burning Ice -- a doctor hires someone with a terminal disease to murder his wife
    S04E10 - Rest in Peace, Somebody -- a former cop who was dealt with harshly by McGarrett is out for revenge
    S04E11 - A Matter of Mutual Concern -- racism and murder
    S04E12 - Nine, Ten -- You're Dead -- a guy is shot dead while driving down the street
    S04E13 - Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise? -- a "capitalist pig" is strangled in his bed
    S04E14 - Odd Man In -- no one dies, but involves some nasty people
    S04E15 - Bait Once, Bait Twice -- young girl kidnapped, man tricked into coming out of protective custody so he can be assassinated
    S04E16 & S04E17 - The Ninety-Second War, Part I and II - nuclear annihilation, young girl is tortured so father will do Wo Fat's bidding
    S04E18 - Skinhead -- racism and rape
    S04E19 - While You're At It, Bring in the Moon -- big business hijinks, murder
    S04E20 - Cloth of Gold -- 3 guys are poisoned by father of girl who they forced to act in porno movies
    S04E21 - Good Night, Baby -- Time to Die! -- dunno about this one yet
    S04E22 - Didn't We Meet at a Murder? -- 3 people with a shady past are blackmailed into shooting a gangster
    S04E23 - Follow the White Brick Road -- drug addiction in the military
    S04E24 - R&R&R -- psycho "loser" kills wives of his former platoon comrades in Vietnam

  2. #2
    It's a compelling case for sure including the "capitalist pig" wasn't only strangled, but his neck was broken too!

    I think I mentioned Season 5 before as having a lo of carnage but Season 4 certainly is a contender for the worst deaths in the series!

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