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Thread: S10E20, the third last show reviewed!

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Just watched tonight. Will probably get to the final two later this week.

    Like you, I didn't understand the crime of the week very well. The whole thing was very convoluted and tough to follow. Among the things which didn't make sense:

    - Since the fix-a-flat small time robbers simply thought they were hitting another tourist, how did this escalate into shooting someone dead? Wasn't the whole premise of suspicion here based upon the fact that the robbers "wouldn't ruin a good gig by committing murder"?

    - How exactly did the robbers find the hidden compartment in the luggage? How was the one surviving robber located by the bad-ass Samoan gang, since the GPS device was left in the luggage?

    - As Mike pointed out, how did Cynthia go from being a shooting victim with a "weak pulse" in the jungle (something which couldn't be faked) to completely healthy within a day?

    - Why was McGarrett so sympathetic toward Cynthia at the end? Didn't she just shoot someone dead (even if it was a fellow criminal)? How come she was willing to shoot dead someone at the diamond deal without hesitation, yet McGarrett was able to talk her out of shooting the man who killed her beloved husband?

    Michael Nouri, playing Hirsch's uncle, looked good for his age (74). I thought he looked a lot younger than his 1978 love/scam victim Tabitha, but actress Patty McCormack is just 4 months older than him!

    I was wondering how they were going to humanize Hirsch's uncle, even if he wasn't guilty of murder, given that he was definitely guilty of at least five cold-hearted romance scams in 1978. They did so by portraying that his uncle really was in love with Tabitha, and that the experience scared him straight for the next 40+ years.

    I agree with Mike that Tani's "relationship issues" with Junior were ridiculous. Even Hirsch mocked her about it!

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