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Thread: 50 Great Classic H50 Quotes

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Compiled by Sandy Sturdivant in 1998!!

    1. "Every goose-stepping one of them is a loser." Duke about the Nazi guys. (A Distant Thunder)

    2. "He means with engines, Danno, not in the back seat." McGarrett to Danno when Danno answers 'yes' that he has experience with cars. (A Distant Thunder)

    3. "It's good to be alive, Danno." Steve to Danno. (The Case Against McGarrett)

    4. "WHADDOWEDO, STEVE?" Duke to McGarrett. (The Case Against McGarrett)

    5. "Thanks, Danno." Steve, putting his hand on Danno's shoulder. Danno: "Any time. But not too soon, huh?" Steve: "Yeah, Let's wait awhile." (The Case Against McGarrett)

    6. "Thank Krishna, huh?" least memorable McGarrett quote. (Ring of Life)

    7. "Get the lab team out there. I want every print on that car since it left Detroit." Steve to Chin. (The Guanarius Caper)

    8. "Lock up those dogs...if they bite me, they're gonna get rabies!" Kono to gatekeeper. (A Matter of Mutual Concern)

    9. "It [computer] is just a piece of hardware, no values, no morality. But our society is concerned with people---PEOPLE---and we expect much more from them. Much more." McGarrett to Tilles pere. (Computer Killer)

    10. "In your business, your best friend is your worst enemy." McGarrett to drug dealer. (Trouble in Mind)

    11. "I missed the whole point of the story." McGarrett to Harry Guardino. (Trouble in Mind)

    12. "But I haven't got my abacus with me." Chin to Steve. (Savage Sunday)

    13. "I just came 5800 miles to save your life. What do you call that?" Steve to Nicole when she asks him to do her a favor. (Singapore File)

    14. "One day we shall be strangers in our own land." Kono. (Strangers in Our Own Land)

    15. "All Caucasians look alike to him." Chin to Steve, translating a Chinese proprietor. (Heads, You're Dead)

    16. "Uncivilized men make history; civilized men make laws." McGarrett to Col Farraday. (We Hang Our Own)

    17. "You'd better take your dog repellent." Chin to Steve. (Two-Faced Corpse)

    18. "You suffer from terminal honesty." syndicate boss to McGarrett. (Two-Faced Corpse)

    19. "We've been on him ten minutes, and I can quote you seven violations." Chin to Danno, while they are tailing a homicide suspect. To which Danno replies, "Two more and he'd serve less time for homicide." (Two-Faced Corpse)

    20. "I ain't been scared of Pele since I was four years old. All of a sudden, I feel four years old again," said Kono. Later, looking around the grounds for any clues, Chin finds where a vehicle has leaked oil on the grass. He asks Kono, "You ready for a goddess with an oil leak?" (The Big Kahuna)

    21. "There is no pleasure so great as to sit quietly with a cup of tea and possess full knowledge of that which has not yet occurred." Wo Fat (episode title?)

    22. "The next time he comes up, he goes down." McGarrett to team. (Steal Now, Pay Later)

    23. "How come someone from Five-0 missed a pretty girl?" Steve to Danno. (Sweet Terror)

    24. "You're in a lot of trouble, honey." McGarrett to Marni. (A Gun for McGarrett)

    25. "All killers are psychotic." McGarrett to Charlie the nephew. (One for the Money)

    26. "Sorry, I don't speak Chinese." Chinese storekeeper to Chin Ho. (Sweet Terror)

    27. "Don't worry, Steve. I've got a photogenic memory." Kono to Steve. (R&R&R)

    28. "It only hurts when I think about it. I think about it alot." Kono. (Trouble in Mind)

    29. "When they make an 8-day week, somebody will come up with a 9-day work schedule." McGarrett (You don't See Many Pirates These Days)

    30. "Beat it, pal. I don't dig snakes." McGarrett (The Year of the Horse)

    31. "It's never free, babe." McGarrett (The Last Eden)

    32. "Aloha, suckers." McGarrett (3000 Crooked Miles to Honolulu)

    33. "Aloha, baby." McGarrett (Samurai)

    34. "FACTS, DOCTOR, FACTS! I NEED THE FACTS!!" McGarrett (King of the Hill)

    35. "You know, I can't think of one good reason that I don't hate your guts." McGarrett (And I Want Some Candy And A Gun That Shoots)

    36. "Some people will do anything to get Kamehameha Day off." McGarrett (Rest in Peace, Somebody)

    37. "Who made me Big Daddy to the world?" McGarrett (Once Upon a Time)

    38. "Everyone knows that Steve McGarrett takes orders only from the governor and God - and occasionally even they have trouble." unknown person (Cocoon)

    39. "It was an accident of fate that we met at all; it would be a fatal accident should we meet again." Wo Fat (FOB Honolulu)

    40. "Very clever - and you're not even Chinese!" Che Fong (Air Cargo-Dial for Murder)

    41. Danno: "It's a stinking job!" McGarrett: "Who ever told you it was anything else?" (And They Painted Daisies on His Coffin)

    42. "You're getting a little testy, Danny. I see I'm going to have to whip you into shape." Aunt Clara (Retire in Sunny Hawaii, Forever)

    43. "You're not're Nutsies." Danno (A Distant Thunder)

    44. "You wanna call a good lawyer?" Danno, when he arrests lawyer Fairburn. (A Force of Waves)

    45. "Love? What the HELL do you know about love?" McGarrett to Casey. (Up the Rebels)

    46. "I'll tell you's just a little scarey...because if and when a lie can be twisted to make it look like the truth, so neatly that even our legal system doesn't pick up on it, that's scarey. That's terrifying." Steve to team. (Touch of Guilt)

    47. "That shirt's blinding me." Danno to Steve. (Full Fathom Five)

    48. "He might get a little confused around Father's Day." Danno (How to Steal a Masterpiece)

    49. "Good night, pretty girl." McGarrett to Marni. (A Gun for McGarrett)

    50. "Book me." Bowman to McGarrett (Welcome to Our Branch Office)

  2. #2
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    A few more (mostly supplied by Sandy again):

    1. Just after the sleazy gangster Tasi leaves McGarrett's office, Danno says, "Everybody count your fillings." from "A Matter of Mutual Concern."

    2. Same episode, same scene, Kono says, "Are those lizard shoes he wears, or does he just go barefoot?"

    3. On being told that a suspect says that he was with a blonde, playing gin, Danno says, "He was with a blonde, but I can't vouch for what they were playing." from "Along Came Joey."

    4. "Sorry to disappoint you, but it was a package deal." Danno in "Heads, You're Dead."

    5. "Feel free to use my phone anytime, Danno." Steve teasing Danny in "Double Exposure."

    6. Chin goes poking around the auto parts at Oscar's shop. Oscar tells Chin, "I have extraordinary powers." Chin pulls out his five-0 badge and says, "So do I." from "Turkey Shoot at Makapuu."

    7. "Got no thirty bucks. Got twenty!" Randall Kim's uncredited line from "And They Painted Daisies on His Coffin."

    8. "You make another move for that door, and I'll break your leg!" McGarrett to Big Chicken in "And They Painted Daisies on His Coffin."

    9. "We would like to see the end." McGarrett to projectionist Kwan Hi Lim in "The Bell Tolls at Noon."

    10. "What do you want, you venerable pain in the ancestor?" Lanikai (whom Mike G. describes and the Hawaiian Elvis imitator) punk to Chin Ho Kelly in "Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born."

    11. "I hope I didn't spoil your fun!" Danno to two girls in "Cloth of Gold."

    12 "Some like to play; some like to watch." Wallis commenting to Danno about the video equipment from "Cloth of Gold."

    13. "It's my job to uncover the truth, wherever it lies, wherever it's buried." McGarrett to Vera Miles in "Dear Enemy." Actually, this one went to least favorite quotes.

    14. "Cheer up, Danno. There are 800 women on the Singapore police force." McGarret in "Year of the Horse."

    15. "Thank you for your suggestion, Mr. McGarrett. We continue to benefit from your experience." Manu Tupou deadpans after Steve "suggests" what the Singapore police should do to tail a suspect. From "Year of the Horse."

    16. McGarrett "I didn't call you in here to ASK you, I called you in here to TELL you something..." (from Secret Witness, thanks to Inglewolf)

    17. One of my faves is made by Afuso (Seth Sakai) in A Matter of Mutual Concern: "Take a lesson from me, kids. You start doing business with idiots, you end up with a business run by idiots."

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Mr. Mike View Post
    Compiled by Sandy Sturdivant in 1998!!
    21. "There is no pleasure so great as to sit quietly with a cup of tea and possess full knowledge of that which has not yet occurred." Wo Fat (episode title?)

    38. "Everyone knows that Steve McGarrett takes orders only from the governor and God - and occasionally even they have trouble." unknown person (Cocoon)
    For whatever reason, I'm thinking "Murder--Eyes Only" for the Wo Fat quote.

    Number 38 was uttered by Miller, played by Andrew Duggan.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post
    Originally Posted by Mr. Mike View Post
    Compiled by Sandy Sturdivant in 1998!!
    21. "There is no pleasure so great as to sit quietly with a cup of tea and possess full knowledge of that which has not yet occurred." Wo Fat (episode title?)

    38. "Everyone knows that Steve McGarrett takes orders only from the governor and God - and occasionally even they have trouble." unknown person (Cocoon)
    For whatever reason, I'm thinking "Murder--Eyes Only" for the Wo Fat quote.

    Number 38 was uttered by Miller, played by Andrew Duggan.
    I’m almost positive the Wo Fat quote is said to Soon Taik-Oh in “The Jinn Who Clears the Way”. Love it!!!!!!!!!

    I also love when Wo says to the incompetent stooge Wong Tu (Danny Kamekona) “You could be... but you’ll not be” (meaning on the next flight out of here) before having him killed.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by Mr. Mike View Post
    A few more (mostly supplied by Sandy again):

    1. Just after the sleazy gangster Tasi leaves McGarrett's office, Danno says, "Everybody count your fillings." from "A Matter of Mutual Concern."

    2. Same episode, same scene, Kono says, "Are those lizard shoes he wears, or does he just go barefoot?"
    I love all the dialogue in “Mutual Concern” but can anyone explain these two??? I’m assuming the first has something to do with Tasi stealing all their tooth fillings, because it’s precious metal or gold maybe????

    And then what about the second one? That Tasi is barely human??? More like a reptile? An uncivilized animal???

    Just my guesses LOL! I could be completely off.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
    Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post
    Originally Posted by Mr. Mike View Post
    Compiled by Sandy Sturdivant in 1998!!
    21. "There is no pleasure so great as to sit quietly with a cup of tea and possess full knowledge of that which has not yet occurred." Wo Fat (episode title?)

    38. "Everyone knows that Steve McGarrett takes orders only from the governor and God - and occasionally even they have trouble." unknown person (Cocoon)
    For whatever reason, I'm thinking "Murder--Eyes Only" for the Wo Fat quote.

    Number 38 was uttered by Miller, played by Andrew Duggan.
    I’m almost positive the Wo Fat quote is said to Soon Taik-Oh in “The Jinn Who Clears the Way”. Love it!!!!!!!!!

    I also love when Wo says to the incompetent stooge Wong Tu (Danny Kamekona) “You could be... but you’ll not be” (meaning on the next flight out of here) before having him killed.
    And with that, Ringfire is back I missed you! I think you're right Ringfire, now that you typed that I'm sure that's the episode.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post
    Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
    Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post

    For whatever reason, I'm thinking "Murder--Eyes Only" for the Wo Fat quote.

    Number 38 was uttered by Miller, played by Andrew Duggan.
    I’m almost positive the Wo Fat quote is said to Soon Taik-Oh in “The Jinn Who Clears the Way”. Love it!!!!!!!!!

    I also love when Wo says to the incompetent stooge Wong Tu (Danny Kamekona) “You could be... but you’ll not be” (meaning on the next flight out of here) before having him killed.
    And with that, Ringfire is back I missed you! I think you're right Ringfire, now that you typed that I'm sure that's the episode.
    Good to be back! Don’t know how much posting I’ll be doing as I’m busy these days. Now we just need Big Chicken to join the party!

  8. #8
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Uh, people, it really isn't necessary to "reply with quote," because I'm sure we can all see the previous part of the discussion.

    Seeing the multiple included quotes above is making me start twitching, recalling what used to happen with the Yahoo H50FC discussion group, where there would be dozens of quotes and then someone would make a one-word or one-line comment.

    If you really want to include the previous quote, your message can be edited to include it if it is REALLY necessary.


  9. #9
    Sorry Mr. Mike. I just read your latest project...are you getting a sick sense of deja vu?

  10. #10
    Ringfire - you had it mostly right. Correct episode, it was to Danny Kamekona (the same guy he told wasn't going to make the flight)

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
    Originally Posted by Mr. Mike View Post
    A few more (mostly supplied by Sandy again):

    1. Just after the sleazy gangster Tasi leaves McGarrett's office, Danno says, "Everybody count your fillings." from "A Matter of Mutual Concern."

    2. Same episode, same scene, Kono says, "Are those lizard shoes he wears, or does he just go barefoot?"
    I love all the dialogue in “Mutual Concern” but can anyone explain these two??? I’m assuming the first has something to do with Tasi stealing all their tooth fillings, because it’s precious metal or gold maybe????

    And then what about the second one? That Tasi is barely human??? More like a reptile? An uncivilized animal???

    Just my guesses LOL! I could be completely off.
    Any ideas about those 2 quotes from “Mutual Concern”? Are my musings valid or am I off-base?

  12. #12
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Ringfire, your comments on 06-04-2020, 07:28 AM regarding an interpretation for those two quotes are absolutely correct, in my opinion.

  13. #13
    Ok good to know that I’m interpreting those lines more or less as they were intended.

    The highlight of the episode’s dialogue, however, comes at the end at the War Natatorium between Li Wing and Kim Lo Lang. The former tries to bargain with the latter regarding all his possessions (all the way down to $1.00 if I recall correctly) and Kim just uses one great zinger after another to shoot the old man down. Classic stuff!!

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