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Thread: Keywords

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    In response to "how can you categorize certain shows," i.e., a caper show, a heist show, a show where the lead character is a psycho, etc., I am proposing an "anal-ysis" of shows by "keywords." I quickly threw together something for season one as follows. Do you have more suggestions as per the following?


    001 Full fathom five - confidence man, serial killer, widows
    002 Strangers in our own land - development in Honolulu, assassination, "Hawaiian"
    003 Tiger by the tail - kidnapping (goes sideways), estranged family
    004 Samurai - mob boss, World War II/Japan, faked death
    005 ....And they painted daisies on his coffin - police shooting, internal affairs, "Danno has a life"
    006 Twenty-four karat kill - gold smuggling, undercover operative, "bookem"
    007 The ways of love - jewel robbery, McGarrett undercover
    008 No blue skies - cat burglar, lounge singer, music business
    009 By the numbers - Vietnam/military, gang rivalry, gambling debt
    010 Yesterday died and tomorrow won't be born - military, revenge against McGarrett
    011 Deathwatch - mob boss, spilling the beans, witness protection
    012 Pray love remember, pray love remember - murder, unjustly accused, developmentally challenged
    013 King of the hill - Vietnam/military, Danno in peril, hospital
    014 Up tight - drugs, hippies (not really ... but), concerned parents
    015 Face of the dragon - espionage, Red Chinese agent, Vietnam/military
    016 The box - prison, hostages, McGarrett in peril
    017 One for the money - serial killer, psycho, family relations
    018 Along came Joey - boxing/corruption, cop bends the rules
    019 & 020 Once upon a time - "McGarrett has a life," family, Los Angeles, quack doctor
    021 Not that much different - Vietnam/military, hippies, underground newspaper, gay relationship
    022 Six kilos - heroin, robbery, caper, McGarrett undercover
    023 The big kahuna - senior citizen is duped, family relations, "Hawaiian"

  2. #2
    What’s the difference between caper and heist?

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    If you search Google for "caper vs. heist" (without the quote marks) you will find lots of pages discussing this, from dictionary sites like on down. Several sites suggest there is little or no difference between the two, some go off on a tangent and define "caper" as having nothing to do with criminality.

    Probably the most relevant definition for our purposes comes from the TV Tropes site:

    When the crime is a robbery, the plot is called a "heist." The Caper is more action-oriented than The Con. It often revolves around a brilliant Gentleman Thief who Just Got Out of Jail hoping to do One Last Job, usually by Putting the Band Back Together (in comedies, a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits).

  4. #4
    I always think of a caper as something smaller and more innocent than a heist. The Filer episodes come to mind. I think of a caper as something a bit humorous and non-violent. A heist can be quite violent, as in the movie HEAT.

    That’s just how I see it.

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