Originally Posted by haoledw View Post
I still remember this funny one where Danno and I think Ben pick up a witness and took her to their vehicle. Danno was in the driver's seat and Ben opened the front passenger door and the actress obviously thought Ben was going to sit up front with them (instead he went to the rear) so she slid all the way across the front seat and almost landed in MacArthur's lap before seeing her mistake and sliding back to the passenger side. The look on his face when she slammed into him was great.
If it's what I think it is, I've just seen in S08E14 Wooden Model Of A Rat. The timing is 22:03 on the Amazon digital copy. The actress is Josie Over, a stock player who appeared in several episodes. In this case, she was the mistress of a foreign courier who was part of August March's smuggling ring. Danno and Duke just met her with new papers for her boyfriend and they were getting into the car to go see him. Unfortunately, March's dude got to the courier first.

Over and MacArthur slammed into one another because they were trying to take up the same spot! (he was just climbing into the driver's seat.)