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Thread: Two Doves, One Heron, 50 years!

  1. #1
    Tonight 50 years ago, CBS aired S04E05 "Two Doves And Mr. Heron".

    A man, Mr. Heron (Vic Morrow), stops over in Honolulu and gets mugged by a hippie freak Ryan Moore (John Ritter in one of his earlier roles in TV) and his girlfriend, Cleo (Dianne Hull). Mr. Heron isn't interested in involving the police - he's high-tailing it to greener grasses overseas. Simple, right? Wrong!

    Cleo is a runaway from the Bay Area in California and personally knows Danno. Turns out, Danno boarded with her family while attending Berkeley. Cleo's mom is worried sick and knows Cleo's in Hawaii due to a postcard being sent by Cleo from Honolulu. Danno does everything he can to track Cleo down. What makes matters worse, Heron is in possession of $250,000 embezzled from an employee insurance fund from a grocery store chain. Ryan finds the money and gets plans of his own.

    Heron takes matters into his own hands and tracks down Ryan and Cleo. Much to Cleo's unhappiness, she discovers Ryan is cut from the same cloth as Heron. Danno, along with the rest of Five-O, find Ryan and Cleo at the airport. The ending is unusual in my mind considering it was 1971/72 timeframe. In the parting shot, Cleo walks away taking her own path. It's a huge statement for women at the time.

    Mr. Mike's review and gallery is here:

    This is one of my favorite episodes because we get a hint on Danno's background and it's in line with what we learned in S01E13 "King Of The Hill". I also get it's not one of Five-O's strongest episodes but I still enjoy it.

    During the final confrontation, McGarrett and company have to run all the way back under the airport to arrive at the warehouse where Heron is holding Cleo. This is a definite downside to the episode.

    Also, during the course of Five-O's search for the pair, they are brought in on a candle shop that burned down the night before. The girl is believed to be Cleo until Doc Bergman (Al Eben) prints her and discovers she looked like Cleo but wasn't (much to Danno's relief). It's through this incident that Five-O figures out the couple headed to the airport. The girl who 'died' in the fire is portrayed by Kerry Sherman, daughter of Peggy Ryan who is none other than Jenny, the Five-O secretary.

    Happy 50th, "Two Doves And Mr. Heron"!

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by Bobbi
    During the final confrontation, McGarrett and company have to run all the way back under the airport to arrive at the warehouse where Heron is holding Cleo. This is a definite downside to the episode.
    Just curious why you say this was a downside to the episode? Maybe I’m missing something in your meaning?

  3. #3
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Vancouver, B.C.
    I wouldn't say this is a downside, but it is kind of convoluted storytelling. From my review:

    Without any explanation, McGarrett, Danno and Kono are seen running under the runway in a tunnel to the building where the hostages are being held, only to find that at one point it is completely blocked. A guy from the airport accompanying them explains: "A couple of years ago, we started to demolish this section. We were gonna clear it for a runway, but then the plan was dropped … There's 20, 30 feet of this." This is particularly dumb, and sounds like the show was running a bit short, so they added in this extra material. The three Five-O men rush back in time to the tunnel entrance, wherever that is, and then somehow sneak up on Hampton and his two hostages through the back door of the building.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
    Originally Posted by Bobbi
    During the final confrontation, McGarrett and company have to run all the way back under the airport to arrive at the warehouse where Heron is holding Cleo. This is a definite downside to the episode.
    Just curious why you say this was a downside to the episode? Maybe I’m missing something in your meaning?
    Sorry for the multiple quotes, but basically what Mr. Mike said. I think they were trying to ratchet up the tension but could have found another way to accomplish that. It seemed like a lot of running around in circles when it could have been better spent on perhaps another false lead for Danno's personal mission to find Cleo.

  5. #5
    I would say 2 stars out of 4. Two Doves & Mr. Heron.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Bobbi View Post
    Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
    Originally Posted by Bobbi
    During the final confrontation, McGarrett and company have to run all the way back under the airport to arrive at the warehouse where Heron is holding Cleo. This is a definite downside to the episode.
    Just curious why you say this was a downside to the episode? Maybe I’m missing something in your meaning?
    Sorry for the multiple quotes, but basically what Mr. Mike said. I think they were trying to ratchet up the tension but could have found another way to accomplish that. It seemed like a lot of running around in circles when it could have been better spent on perhaps another false lead for Danno's personal mission to find Cleo.
    Ah ok, got it. I don’t even remember a lot of running at the airport.

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