Originally Posted by ringfire211 View Post
“I’ll Kill ‘Em Again” is another favorite but for the life of me I can’t understand how they found the hooker’s apartment so quickly at the end where Eddie was about to kill again. That was very rushed. They had to end the episode quickly.
This makes sense, though it is very rushed, but you could say the same thing about the end of Nine Dragons (see my revised review).

McG and Danno go to the bookstore where they talk to Sheila and tell her Mr. Beecham is dead. They snoop around and find Eddie's address and go to his place, but he is not there. They find a copy of the magazine with an article about the murders Eddie is copying, but the page with what is presumably his current murder is missing. They call Chin at the office to check the magazine(s) and find out where that murder was, which is in the Empire Hotel. Eddie has been there waiting for some guy to finish his business with a hooker in a specific room, the one where the previous murder happened. When the customer leaves, Eddie goes in (this all might have taken some time). McG, Danno, Chin, etc. show up and bust into the room and stop Eddie from murdering the hooker. (I don't know how they know it is that specific room, because the room has no number on the door.)