Good question posed and responses. I think Jack Lord was a great actor. We are still talking about McGarrett and Classic HFO 🌊 50+ years later. McGarrett is an iconic character. He must have done something right. I see McG as kind of an Untouchable type law enforcement man. He was about honor and integrity. A man of iron. He wasn't going to bend justice in his favor or take bribes or other gifts to enrich himself. He was dedicated to HFO and could not be bought. HFO was a small group and it made sense they worked themselves to the bone. 6 sometimes 7 days a week. The Classic HFO fans realize the criminals would sometimes strike on Sunday. The Sunday Torch and Savage Sunday for example. HFO would have to be brought in from sailing or surfing or whatever they were doing to start investigating.

I think some of these awards can be political. Jack Lord didn't seem to be the type to play the game necessary to politic for awards. He was busy acting and later directing the episodes. Jack Lord had plenty on his plate especially after Leonard Freeman passed. I thought Jack could show the necessary emotion when it was required. EX: Once Upon A Time when he was in the darkened HFO room crying. Emotional after his sister's little boy's death from cancer. Also, he had an amazing scene when he talked about his father killed by fleeing criminals in Number One With A Bullet. Conversing with Allie Francis. I never knew how his father died before. McG flashed his anger and intensity more than crying. Danno had a strong friendship with McGarrett. You can see that in The Young Assassins and The Case Against McGarrett when each escaped from possible death. They could have made those final scenes overly emotional. I liked that it was more professional.

I believe Karl Malden was an excellent actor and a young Michael Douglas also went on to have an outstanding career as an actor himself. Stone was the police veteran Lieutenant and Keller the young intelligent Inspector with his college degree and good looks. The new generation. It worked Streets Of SF because Stone and Keller had a good chemistry and Keller would listen to Stone's veteran wisdom. Michael Douglas has talked about his love and respect he had for Karl Malden. A strong friendship.

I'm surprised Jack Lord and Hawaii Five-O 🌊 didn't win more awards. Excellent episodes and writers. The 1970's was a Golden Age for TV and Detective shows. There was Cannon, Columbo, Hawaii Five-O, Kojak, Streets Of San Francisco, The Rockford Files etc. I doubt we will ever see that quality and talent in display again. People have so many options now with cable and satellite TV channels and can watch episodes later on YouTube or Season DVD's. Back in the 1970's, there was ABC, CBS, NBC and a few other channels. People had to watch their favorite TV shows at their day and time. JC