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Thread: 50 Years on the 'Hook'!

  1. #1
    Ooh!! It's that time of year again!!

    50 years ago tonight, CBS aired Five-O's S06E01, "Hookman".

    The episode follows Kurt Stoner (Jay J. Armes) who has hooks for hands and he's looking for vengeance against the four cops he blames for losing his hands. One of these officers is McGarrett.

    Turns out, several years before, Stoner and an accomplice held up a bank and Stoner held explosives in his hands. They went off and stoner found himself without hands. However, as part of his prison sentence, the state paid for his to rehab and learn to use the hooks. It still doesn't take away the anger Stoner feels.

    The villain begins assassinating the officers he blames starting with Keoki. On a beautiful Saturday morning, Keoki is escorting a funeral. Stoner shoots Keoki on his motorcycle as the procession is driving up a hill. Chaos ensues including the coffin flying out of the hearse!

    Ookala is next and is killed during a shootout with a dimwit named McKinney (Donald Roessler). At first it's thought McKinney is behind the killings but he's not. Ookala is actually shot from a considerable height.

    At each killing a rifle is left behind with a gold plate with each name stamped on it. It's these plates where McGarrett and Danno are setup by Stoner. The sniper lures them to a shop and as they're walking out the shop owner gives them a clue they're in a trap.

    Fortunately, Stoner misses them but then the chase is on. McGarrett chases Stoner only to have Stoner and his Mustang wind up in the harbor. It's after this chase the pieces come together for McGarrett but it's too late for the third cop, Larry Thompson.

    McGarrett tracks down where Stoner lives and with some teamwork and great sniper skills by Danno, Stoner is stopped- shot dead by Five-O.

    There's far more detail to the his episode and Mr. Mike sums it up quite nicely here:

    For me, this is an excellent episode and starts off Season 6 nicely. This was actually the first full season I bought on Amazon Prime because there are so many good episodes this year.

    Stoner is the perfect villain because he doesn't tell anyone what he's doing! If you're going to commit a crime and expect to get away with it – this is how it's done!

    There are moments that shock and surprise. There are also moments where we shake our heads. Just why is McGarrett whispering to Danno in the final confrontation!? They're outside and Stoner is across the street on the roof! He can't hear you !

    Another highlight is the teamwork amongst the Five-O team. This is what made the show fun to watch.

    Happy 50th, "Hookman"!!

  2. #2
    Hookman is definitely a 4 Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐ episode. Most of the Classic HFO 🌊 Forum Regulars would place Hookman in their Top 5 or Top 10. I think you can make an argument it is #1 episode in the Series. High praise indeed!

    It is an effective episode as the Hookman is so adept and proficient with his hooks 🪝. He can fire a weapon, drive a vehicle, eat his dinner, and hang the paper articles etc. This is a very intelligent and vengeful killer. Going after the police he believes put him in this situation with hooks for hands. The failed bank robbery and the explosive charges 💥 that went off in his hands...Stoner has great anger and revenge in his heart. He has completed his prison sentence and ready to exact revenge.

    Stoner systematically hunts down each 1 involved with his situation... Keoki, Ookala, Thompson. He leaves a weapon and a gold plated stenciled name... Etched by his handy work. I usually flash a smile when they talk about fingerprints. The Hook Hands prevent fingerprints being left at the scene. Stoner's luck runs out when he is in a chase and is forced to drive into the water to escape. He emerges soaked and wearied from the ordeal but avoiding capture for now. McG notices the stuck arm on the steering wheel. His mind realizes that it has to be Stoner. McG remembers the incident but can't warn Thompson in time. Thompson is the 3rd to be murdered by the Hookman. McG soon realizes that he's the last 1 standing from the incident. Stoner will be gunning for him soon. I like the part when McG believes Stoner will be living in the poorer part of town. With his hook arms, he probably would be scraping or scratching out a living. It reminded me of the Coast Guard inspections in A Time To Die...Stoner could watch them getting closer to his place until they discovered it. It was very suspenseful when McG answers the phone and the Hookman ready to take him out. Luckily, Danno is close by and his marksman shooting finds his mark. Striking and killing the Hookman who topples to the street below. Hookman is an outstanding episode. Stoner is very believable as a revengeful killer striking the law enforcement he blames for his hook hands. He also was placed in prison and had many years to exact revenge. Very close to a perfect episode. Also, a shout-out to Bobbi beginning Season 6 now in the 50 Anniversary Reviews. I also agree with Bobbi about the quality and strength of the Season 6 episodes. I have Season 6 just behind Season 3 in my FAV season 🌊 episodes JC

  3. #3
    No doubt one, if not the, best episode in the series.
    I did some poking around on Jay Armes as I was curious about his real life - sounds like he was an interesting character.

    Still alive I believe - I wonder how and who got the idea to use him in this role?

  4. #4
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.
    At least one of the two guys who wrote this episode, Glen Olson & Rod Baker, is on LinkedIn. I noticed this when I was briefly on this service once. If anyone is on LinkedIn (I have no use for their service, which included sending me a lot of annoying spam type mail), you might want to contact them there and ask the question that is posed above.

    I think most people who watched the original H50 would definitely remember this show. Peter Weller, who directed the remake of the show in the H50 reboot, cited it as one of his favorite episodes (if not >the< favorite).

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