Tonight 50 years ago, CBS aired S06E15 "The Flip Side Is Death".
Four dudes Tally Green (Don Stroud), Art Walker (Peter Haskell), Joe Keao (Gerald Waialae) and Louis Pahia (Frank Liu) set up an elaborate hoax involving stolen military vehicles and equipment, VX nerve gas and an 'accident' to rob a bank of $250,000.
Tally is an ex-con and especially jumpy. Because of him, this episode turns into "who's left standing". Walker does his best to calm Tally but seems to fail at every turn. They have to work together to get the money out of Hawaii.
Walker, a music producer, has a warehouse full of 8 track tapes. The plan is to take these 8 tracks and empty them of their tapes. Replace the bills from the bank and seal them back up. Things go well until Tally freaks when Five-O begins sniffing around.
Danno leads the investigation on the North Shore where everything took place. McGarrett is back in Honolulu and out of the main fray. It's Danno's show.
The highways are closed fairly quickly so there's not much these guys can do. Louie works at the hotel where Tally and Walker are holed up. Being a reservist, Louie is immediate suspect due to the military equipment theft and he had access.
Joe comes into play as he is a pineapple delivery driver. He transports the tapes to an abandoned mill where they are boxed up and addressed to the mainland.
All is going to plan until Tally offs Louie. Still not happy, Tally offs Joe. Towards the end, Walker drives Tally out to the mill where he turns the tables. Shootouts ensue when Danno, Chin and Ben show up. Tally is killed after being shot at and falling out a window.
Walker corners Chin and Ben but Danno comes up from behind and Walker is arrested.
Mr. Mike's review is here:
This is one of my favorites from Season 6. We see Danno in a leadership position as he's in charge of the North Shore operations. It's fun to watch.
How they figure out the smuggling operation is a bit weird, but it doesn't take away from the episode.
I also like that we see scenes from the roadblock and work on the Iron Brain in Honolulu. A lot goes into catching criminals and it's never cut and dry.
Happy 50th, "The Flip Side Is Death"!!