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Thread: Anthony Lawrence passed away a while ago

  1. #1
    Five-O Home Page Author Mr. Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Vancouver, B.C.

    To Hell with Babe Ruth (noooooo!!)
    A Bullet for McGarrett
    Killer Bee
    Three Dead Cows at Makapuu
    To Kill or Be Killed
    Two Doves and Mr. Heron
    The Clock Struck Twelve
    Death with Father

  2. #2
    Overall he was a good writer. “Babe Ruth” aside the others were all solid episodes. While not a big fan of “Three Dead Cows” or “To Kill or Be Killed” (as rewatches at least) they were very well written and topical and powerful episodes. “Death with Father” is another example of this!

    And as for “A Bullet for McGarrett” and “Killer Bee” I’m a big fan and both are excellent rewatches for me. Both are in my top 5 for season 2. Shame they don’t get much love around here.

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