I have been watching Barnaby Jones on ME-TV at 4:05 AM and have been incredibly surprised. These are outstanding episodes and Betty Jones (Lee Meriwether) and Barnaby Jones (Buddy Epsen) make a strong team. A JR should be in the cast soon but this is just Season 4. I've watched Hawaii Five-O 🌊 and several 70's Detective Shows...Cannon, Streets Of SF, Kojak, etc. This Barnaby Jones is good as any I've seen. This AM Season 4 EpisodeDangerous Gambit.

DANGEROUS GAMBIT ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐. One of the best episodes I've seen in any 70's Detective Shows. Also, the best episode I've seen Barnaby Jones. It's a story about a bank swindle. They have an outside man Frank watching the armored car new shipment of money 💰 to the bank 🏦. He doesn't overpower the guards or rob the bank as 1 would think. He instead has two bank employees Angie and Joyce working together. Joyce switches an empty ledger book and stacks it inside with money 💵 as Charles the Bank President receives a time waste phone call. Think McG in Death Mask when Mik Chandler steals the Death Mask. Joyce then pretends to be finishing off marking down the large money 💰 shipment when Charles returns. Joyce then walks into the safety deposit box area with Angie. They begin to transfer the money to Frank Dunlap's safety deposit box. Very creative and intelligent. All Frank has to do is later walk to the bank and remove the money 💵 from the safety deposit box. Many twists and turns occur. Joyce is supposed to meet with Frank to hand him the safety deposit box key. Instead, she is struck and killed in the street by Dave a Salesman. Driving his car. Jerry is also back in town wanting revenge on Frank. Awhile back, Frank stabbed Joey in Chicago and left him for dead in the alley. He is keenly aware of the bank scam and takes Joyce purse 👜 in the confusion and excitement of the accident scene. Jerry now has the safety deposit key 🗝️. He cuts himself in on the bank money swindle wanting 1/3 of the action. Joyce is now dead. Frank agrees to the arrangement but knows he will have to murder Jerry at the meeting. Jerry cannot trust him from the knife stabbing in Chicago and prepares for Frank's arrival. Frank shoots at an empty bed and Jerry hides into the shadows. He then fires and kills Frank later dumping his body.

Barnaby Jones investigates for the insurance company and first talks to Dave the Salesman. He states he only had 1 drink and was not drunk. Says it was an accident Joyce in the street. Suggests there's a witness. Barnaby Jones visits Stan who was shooting pictures of the accident scene. BJ buys the pictures for $150. It's a good deal for Stan. Think Beautiful Screamer when the young boy was shooting pictures and had the clock time. Stan's pictures show Dave's witness Jerry and Joyce's purse underneath the car. It's now missing. Jerry meets with Angie. There's a change of plans. Jerry admits killing Frank and Angie goes along with the new plan. He will have to pretend to be Frank to get possession of the money in the safety deposit box. He already has the key 🗝️ stolen from Joyce's purse. BJ visits Angie as she is 1 of the bank employees. A neighbor believes the picture is Jerry. He was just at Angie's place. Quick thinking BJ steals the glass at Angie's hoping to find fingerprints. Angie lies through her teeth saying it was another man. The neighbor was mistaken. Fingerprints identify them as ex-con Jerry Kennedy. He had a cellmate Frank Dunlap. They later find Frank's body tying it together. Charles the Bank President throws a few wrenches in the works. Moving Angie from her position to a higher position in the bank with Joyce's death. Also, moving up the bank audit to the morning. The stolen money from the recent shipment will be discovered. Jerry practices writing Frank Dunlap's signature in order to obtain the money from the safety deposit box. BJ meets the Bank President Charles to figure out how the $246,000 was taken. Charles remembers the phone call when he was counting the money 💰 from the shipment. Also a large ledger book Joyce was carrying. He also recalls Joyce and Angie going into the safety deposit box area. Strange now. BJ notices a man fitting Jerry's description and Lily the young bank employee walking away. He already transfered the money from the safety deposit box to the briefcase. BJ walks outside and Jerry has the money in the briefcase and Lily is a possible hostage. BJ fires after Jerry's errant shot striking Jerry while Lily ducks unharmed. Money 💰 is recovered and Dave the Salesman is exonerated. Just an outstanding episode! JC