McG’s “sexist” comment doesn’t bother me at all. He’s an old school guy who’s not “hip” to the women’s lib movement of the late 70s. I’m sure he firmly believes that a woman has her place in society. Plus she was egging him on and he gave her exactly what she deserved. But ultimately it was a show “of its time” before all the PC nonsense of today and that’s what gives these shows from the past their appeal. That’s why we watch them over the stuff of today. If this sort of stuff offended our fluffy sensibilities then we wouldn’t be watching them. I know people who can’t watch any old shows because virtually everything offends them. The most innocuous off-hand remark or silly joke offends them. It’s pretty scary actually. It’s like “dude, it’s just a show, relax, no one is dying here”.

For me the worst scene has to be something that I find completely grating. And that can be none other than virtually every scene with Mark Lenard in “To Hell With Babe Ruth”. Every time he opens his mouth and starts ranting it feels like nails on a chalkboard. Horrid acting and terrible characterization. I don’t even care about the Asian makeup. It’s the yelling that makes me reach for the mute button. Can’t stand that!!